The Effect Of War On Stalin, The Government And The People

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  • As the Red Army liberated nations from German control they imposed their own authority. In Poland Stalin installed a pro-Soviet provisional government and they occupied Czechoslavkia, Hungary and Germany.
  • Stalin became a national superhero and their were no doubts about his leadership.
  • However, Stalin emerged more paranoid and was worried about receiving prisoners of war who he feared had been tainted by western values. Many were sent to labour camps and traitors were immediately executed. Cossacks who had supported German armies were virtually wiped out.
  • Those with a good war record were given access to higher education and rapid promotion
  • The victory increased confidence in the system of government and the Soviet Union gained a reputation as a military superpower
  • For Stalin it vindicated direct, coercive mobilisation and he had no plans for change. The government and its members were very similar to in 1939.
  • The war brought the people closer and created more opportunity for individual initiative and there was a new hope for change which was created especially as soldiers had seen more of the West
  • Western films and literature found their was into the USSR and commercial shops appeared