ketone - a substance appearing in urine from the rapid breakdown of fat for energy; acetone
melena - a black, tarry stool
sputum - mucus from the respiratory system when expectorated through the mouth
compress - a soft pad applied over a body area
cyanosis - bluish color
dilate - to expand or open wider
pack - wrapping a body part with a wet or dry application
colostomy - a surgically created opening between the colon and the body's surface
constipation - the passage of hard, dry stool
defecation - the process of excreting feces from the rectum through the anus; BM
dehydration - the excessive loss of water from tissues
diarrhea - the frequent passage of liquid stool
enema - the introduction of fluid into the rectum and lower colon
fetal impaction - the prolonged retention and buildup of feces in the re ctum
fecal incontinence - the inability to control the passage of feces and flatus through the anus
feces - the semi-solid mass of waste products in the colon that is expelled through the anus; stool
flatulence - the excessive formation of gas or air in the stomach and intestines
flatus - gas or air passed through the anus
ileostomy - a surgically created opening between the ileum and the body's surface
ostomy - a surgically created opening that connects an internal organ to the body's surface
peristalsis - the alternating contraction and relaxation of intestinal muscles
stoma - a surgically created opening seen on the body's surface
suppository - a cone-shaped, solid drug that is inserted into a body opening; melts at body temperature
anorexia - the loss of appetite
calorie - the fuel or energy value of food
cholesterol - a soft, waxy substance found in the bloodstream and all body cells
dysphagia - difficulty swallowing
nutrient - a substance that is ingested, digested, absorbed, and used by the body
nutrition - processes involved in the ingestion, digestion, absorption, and use of food and fluids by the body
dehydration - a decrease in the amount of water in body tissues
edema - the swelling of body tissues with water
electrolytes - minerals dissolved in water
graduate - a measuring container for fluid
hydration - having an adequate amount of water in body tissues
intake - the amount of fluid taken such as water, milk, soups; also including foods that melt a room temperature such as ice cream, IV fluids and tube feedings