Cards (7)

  • interphase comes before mitosis in the cell cycle - its when cells grow and replicate their DNA ready for division
  • interphase - the cell carries out normal functions, also prepares to divide
    • DNA is unravelled and replicated, to double its genetic content
    • organelles also replicated so it has spare
    • ATP Content is increased
    1. PROPHASE - chromosomes condense and get shorter and fatter
    • centrioles move to opposite ends of the cells forming a network of protein fibres across called the spindle
    • the nuclear envelope breaks down and chromosomes lie free int he cytoplasm.
    • The chromosomes line up along the middle of the cell and become attached to the spindle by their centromere
    • at the metaphase checkpoint, the cell checks all chromosomes are attached to the spindle before mitosis can continue
    • Centromeres divide, separating each pair of of sister chromatids.
    • spindles contract, pulling chromatids to opposite ends of the cell, centromere first
    • Chromatids reach opposite poles on the spindle
    • they uncoil and become long and thin again
    • now called chromosomes
    • nuclear envelope forms around each group of chromosomes so there are now 2 nuclei
  • cytokinesis -
    • cytoplasm divides
    • in animal cells, a cleavage furrow form to divide the cell membranes
    • now 2 identical daughter cells genetically identical to the original to the cell
    • cytokinesis begins in anaphase and ends in telophase
    • separate process to mitosis