Forests are continuous areas of land dominated by trees.
The 2 types of forests are productive and protective forests.
Productive forests are 33% of all forests
Productive forests are natural and highly dense.
Productive forests have high commercial value and are used for timber.
Productive forests are found in the Northern and western mountains.
Protective forests are 66% of all forests.
Protective forests are planted by man.
Protective forests are equally space d and linear.
Protective forest trees mostly have low commercial value.
Protective forests are usually planted along roads, railways and rivers.
Protective forests are there to create a pleasant environment by preventing soil erosion and providing shade.
Forests reduce air pollution by absorbing pollutants like nitrogen and providing oxygen.
Forests provide natural habitat for wildlife
Forests prevent soil erosion as their roots hold the soil and intercept rain.
Forests increase the fertility of soil by the decomposition of leaves.
Forests reduce flooding by regulating water supply.
Forests provide employment to those who work in the forest department and those who work in Industries that use wood.
Forests attract tourism due to their scenic beauty
Trees are used in the medical field because of products like Ephedra.
Trees are used for timber in construction industry.
Wood from trees is used in the sports goods industry
Trees are used in the transport industry for making wooden carts, bus bodies, boats and railway sleepers.
Forests have a minor product called Mazri which is used for packaging.
Wood pulp is used in paper making.
Forests help to reduce import of wood and timber.
Products of wood industries are exported to foreign countries and this benefits the foreign exchange and improves the balance of trade.
Firewood is also a product of forests and is used for heating and cooking.
Resin is also a product of forests and is used in varnishes.
Afforestation is planting trees for the first time at a certain place.
Deforestation is the cutting of trees.
Reafforestation is the replanting of trees after deforestation.
Causes of deforestation:
To grow crops for agriculture
For mining to explore and exploit minerals
For the construction of dams
Growing population
Overgrazing by cattle
Used as firewood
Used in wood based industries
Because of deforestation, there are no roots to hold soil and no leaves to intercept rain, therefore soil erosion which means loss of nutrients for agriculture.
Because of deforestation, siltation takes place, so there is less water in reservoirs of dams so there is less production of Hydro-electric power, less irrigation and more floods.
Deforestation leads to floods which means destruction.
Deforestation leads to low rainfall because of less transpiration which leads to a low crop yield.
Deforestation leads to loss of natural habitat which leads to loss of wildlife.
Deforestation means that there is a shortage of wood for fuel and so people would have to travel longer distances to get wood.