death and burial

Cards (31)

  • What did Romans do for the peperation of the body?
    funeral club to support less wealthy members of ROman society
  • peperation of body:
    • relatives capture last breath with kiss and call out deceased name (R) v.s eyes and mouth closed (G)
    • body place in artrium for 8 days for relatives pay respect v.s woman start lamen e.g. cut their hair
  • What are the similarities of Roman and Greek in the peperation of body
    • body is washed and perfume
    • a coin will be place on mouth = payment for charon
  • Funeral procession:
    • wear funeral mask, as an acceptance of deceased into afterlife
    • wealthy family pay for profession mouners and actors
    • ekphora, funeral procession from house to ground
    • deceased carry on a wagon with aulos player
  • Burial of the body:
    similarites: avoid tomb uniformities
    • Tomb along the road as remeberance (r) v.s outside to prevent pollution
    • body is either buried / cremated: aashes cool down in urn = place grave = family add gift to assist the journey
    • sacrafice: blood released to the ground = offer Hades and Persephone
  • Festivals for dead and ancestors Rome:
    • The Parentalia in Feb ( 9 days)
    1. rest day
    2. blood sacrafice by vestal virgin on 1st day
    3. family share meal on 9th day and offer the dead a meal at the tomb
    • The Lemuria in May ( 3 days)
    1. rest day
    2. ward off evil spirit
    3. clean hands with spring water and throw black beans on their face = ask evil spirit to leave the house
  • Festivals for dead and ancestors
    • anthesteria in Jan (3 days)
    celebration of the maturing of wine = Dionysus
    1. dead return to earth = libation of wine pour for D
    2. drinking contest + libation on grave for ancestor
    3. dead return underworld + family make offerings to God Hermes (travel to underworld)
    • Genesia in Sep
    1. decorate grave with ribbons and offer food and sacrafice
  • What is prothesis?
    • For Greeks, the deceased will be laid out for 2 days to receieve mouners = gave chance for family to pay respect
    • bowl of water placed outside for people to wash afer they left to prevent pollution
  • What is lament?
    woman cut their hair, dress in shabby black clothing, beating their chest to express sorrow
  • What is ekphora?
    The funeral procession from the house of the deceased to burial ground
  • Why was the restig place outside the city?
    reove religious pollution and spread of diseases
  • Kerameikos
    main burial ground in Athens
  • How do the family assist the deceased n their journey to underworld?
    By adding burial gifts to the grave
  • Why a stele need to be set up?
    so that deceased can be remember. If they neglect diseased grave, it will dishonour their family memory
  • What can the stele be carved about?
    • a scuptor to carve a relief on the stele that reflect the deceased in life
    • display family wealth and statues
    • commemoration of diseased
  • Once the deceased is burial what will take place?
    sacrafice. The blood of victim release on the earth as an offfering to Hades and Persepone.
  • How often do the Greeks pay respect
    • mourning last for 30 days
    • 3 days in which the family are obliged to visit the deceased
    • Then on an annual basis
  • For Anthesteria, what is different from the normal offerings?
    • the living are not allowed to eat any food
  • What do people believe about treating the dead
    No matter their social statues or wealth, they should still received a proper burial
  • Where would the wealthy romans bury the deceased?
    along the road that led into the city or town = people can pay respect
  • How do funeral clubs work?
    • pay monthly fee to join club
    • club met for meat and getherings = opportunity to make social connections
    • workers of the same trade will set up their own club
  • What is artrium?
    The main room of Roman domus where family can pay respect
  • what is funeral mask?
    • made by placing wax on deceased face
    • when it is dry taken off and sored in family shrine
    • acceptance of deceased into afterlife
    • family would wear them as well
  • When does the roman funeral take place?
    • 8 ddays after death
    • pay for professional mouners to join the procession
    • pay for actor to mimic deceased
  • Where do the Roman bury the deceased?
    • streets line with tomb to resemble house and temples
    • rich placed their death in carved sarcophagi, whic contains reliefs of mythological battles and heros
    • marble bust would be made and placed in the house
    • believed dead will turn into manes ( spirits of dead)
    • expect to leave food and wine offerings
  • Where is this from?
    Ekphora scene from Greek vase
  • Where is this?
  • What is this
    The funerary stele of Hegesto
  • What is this?
  • What is this?
    Roman funeral procession
  • What race the woman will be lament with water for purification outside the house making sure the eye and mouth of deceases is close?