
Cards (97)

  • What is the nature of politics according to S. G. Richards?
    Politics exists due to disagreements among people.
  • How is a disagreement in politics resolved?
    By one side obtaining power to prevail.
  • How do B. Ponton & P. Gill define politics?
    Politics is how we order social affairs.
  • What does Amable Tuibeo say about politics?
    It maintains cooperation among people with different needs.
  • What is Harold Lasswell's definition of politics?
    Politics involves questions of who gets what, when, and how.
  • In what contexts is the term "politics" generally applied?
    Behavior within civil governments and human interactions.
  • What is the goal of political science?
    To deepen understanding of political action.
  • What does political science focus on?
    Theory and practice of government at various levels.
  • What are the approaches in the study of political structures and institutions?
    • Traditional
    • Behavioral
    • Combination of views
  • What does the behavioral approach emphasize in political science?
    Scientific, objective, and value-free study.
  • What are the various forms of the traditional approach?
    • Philosophical
    • Historical
    • Institutional
    • Legal
  • What are the characteristics of the behavioral approach?
    • Regularities
    • Verification
    • Systematization
    • Techniques
    • Pure Science
    • Quantification
    • Integration
  • Why is it important to care about politics?
    It affects many lives and daily life.
  • What does the term "governance" derive from?
    Latin verb "gubernare" and Greek "kubernaein."
  • What does governance involve?
    Steering and controlling a group or state.
  • How is governance defined in terms of power exercise?
    As the exercise of power for citizens' well-being.
  • What is the complex process of governance?
    Wielding power to enact public policies.
  • What are indicators of good governance?
    Participatory involvement, rule of law, transparency.
  • What are the elements of good governance?
    • Participatory involvement
    • Rule of law
    • Effectiveness and efficiency
    • Transparency
    • Responsiveness
    • Equitable and inclusive
    • Consensus-oriented
    • Accountability
  • What is the modern term "state" derived from?
    The word "status."
  • Who first used the term "state" in writings?
    Niccolò Machiavelli.
  • What is the definition of a state according to Woodrow Wilson?
    A people organized for law within territory.
  • How does James W. Garner define a state?
    A community with a government enjoying freedom.
  • What are the four elements of the state?
    1. People
    2. Territory
    3. Sovereignty
    4. Government
  • What does "people" refer to in the context of the state?
    Inhabitants or population of a territory.
  • What is the significance of territory in the state?
    It is the subject of jurisdiction and rights.
  • What is the smallest state by land area?
    Vatican City.
  • What is the largest state by land area?
  • What does sovereignty refer to in the context of the state?
    The supreme power to command and enforce obedience.
  • What is internal sovereignty?
    Supreme power to enforce will within territory.
  • What is external sovereignty?
    Independence from control by other states.
  • What is the definition of government?
    Institutions that make and carry out rules.
  • What are the theories on the origin of the state?
    • Divine Right Theory
    • Necessity and Force Theory
    • Patriarchal Theory
    • Social Contract Theory
    • Instinctive Theory
    • Economy Theory
    • History Theory
  • What does the Divine Right Theory state?
    State origin is divine creation by God.
  • What does the Necessity and Force Theory maintain?
    State created from struggle between strong and weak.
  • What does the Patriarchal Theory attribute to the origin of the state?
    State originates from the enlargement of the family.
  • What does the Social Contract Theory assert?
    States formed by voluntary agreement for common good.
  • What does the Instinctive Theory hold?
    State founded from man's natural instinct for association.
  • What does the Economy Theory assert about the state?
    State founded to manage human needs and resources.
  • What does the History Theory assert about the state?
    State is a product of human development.