gender schema theory

Cards (7)

  • Both kholberg and Martin & halverson (cognitive explanations) emphasise the role of cognition in gender development. Our thought processes change as we get older due to brain maturation
  • opposing evidence for gender schema theory- Campbell et al- found that even when children had a strong gender schema and understood gender stereotypes, it did not effect their involvement in gender activities
    • Gender schemas are mental representations about each gender and gender appropriate behaviours
    • Martin and Halverson suggest that after a child begins to identify with a certain gender, around the age of 2 years old, they then actively seek out information and new experiences to help them confirm these beliefs, through increasingly sophisticated gender schemas.
    • The development of children’s gender identity schema creates an ‘ingroup’ (their own gender) and an ‘outgroup’ (other genders). Children between the ages of 3 and 7 years will generally only identify with their own ingroup, due to the self-esteem they gain from this, but develop an equal appreciation of the other outgroup at the age of 8.
  • Little and martin found that children under 4 (who showed no signs of gender stability or constancy) still demonstrated strongly gendered behaviours and attitudes. This supports the theory because It shows that children as young as 2 or 3 do have a gender schema which direct their gendered behaviours and therefore show children do seek out gender appropriate behaviours in their environments before aged 7
  • supportive evidence found by martin and Halverson - 5 and 6 year olds were shown schema consistent and inconsistent pictures, one week after children were asked to recall pictures, the schema consistent pictures were better recalled. This shows that children under aged 6 seek out gender behaviours that fit their schema, (and reject info that doesn't fit) adding more validity to the theory