Amendments 11 to 27

Cards (17)

  • 11th Amendment: state immunity from certain lawsuits (1795)
  • 12th Amendment: changes in procedure for electing a President (electoral college) - 1804
  • 13th Amendment: abolition of slavery (1865)
  • 14th Amendment: citizenship, due process, equal protection (1868)
  • 15th Amendment: no denial of vote because of race, color, or previous enslavement (1870)
  • 16th Amendment: power to tax incomes (1913)
  • 17th Amendment: Senators elected by the people, not chosen by state legislators (1913)
  • 18th Amendment: Prohibition of Alcohol (1919)
  • 19th Amendment: women allowed to vote (1920)
  • 20th Amendment: changed in date for the start of presidential and congressional terms in office (1933)
  • 21st Amendment: repeal of Prohibition (1933)
  • 22nd Amendment: President limited to two terms (1951)
  • 23rd Amendment: Washington DC allowed to vote in presidential elections(1961)
  • 24th Amendment: voters cannot be required to pay a poll tax to vote (1964)
  • 25th Amendment: presidential disability and succession, vice president vacancies
  • 26th Amendment: voting age reduced to 18
  • 27th Amendment: restricting congressional pay raises