Subdecks (2)

Cards (25)

  • Define cultural diversity?

    the existence of a variety of cultural or ethnic groups within a society
  • Define social segregation?
    when groups of people live apart from the larger population due to religion and age etc
  • Define economic inequality?

    the difference between levels of living standards and income
  • Define diaspora?

    a group of people with a similar heritage or homeland who have settled elsewhere
  • Define 'urban social exclusion'?
    economic and social problems faced by residents in areas of multiple deprivation
  • what are the 3 main causes of social segregation in cities such as LONDON?
    • housing
    • gentrification
    • ethnicity
  • why is housing one of the main causes of segregation in cities?
    developers build housing with particular demographics in mind
    expensive housing often built away from poorer areas, resulting in segregation by income
  • why is gentrification one of the main causes of segregation in cities?
    poorer areas become gentrified, forcing them to move away and leaving behind only wealthy groups
  • why is ethnicity one of the main causes of segregation in cities?
    When minorities first arrive to the country they may suffer discrimination in the employment and housing markets
    • they can only afford cheaper areas, and therefore concentrate in poorer parts of cities
  • What is inequality in the UK mainly measured using?
    the Index of Multiple Deprivatoin
    there are 7 dimensions considered within this index that give a weighted score of deprivation that can be compared to other area
  • give the first two out of the 7 dimensions considered within the Index of Multiple Deprivation?
    1. income
    2. employment
  • how many dimensions considered within the Index of Multiple Deprivation?
  • where is deprivation mainly?
    in deindustrialised areas (North england) which have experienced decline
  • Give 2 social factors which contribute to QoL?
    Standards of education
    access to open spaces
  • give 2 environmental factors which contribute to QoL?
    level of air / noise pollution
  • give 2 political factors which contribute to QoL?

    effectiveness of the local council
    opportunities to participate in community life and influence decisions (eg % voting in election)
  • give 2 economic factors which contribute to QoL?

    level of income
    % on free school meals/ state benefits