Postmodern Western Cities

Cards (6)

  • Give an example of a Postmodern western city?
    Las Vegsd
  • What does post modernism describe?
    changes that took place in western society in the late 20th and 21st century
  • what does post modernism mark?
    a departure from conformity and uniformity
  • What are postmodern western cities?
    cities that are not uniform and do not conform to the expected norm of city characteristics
  • Give 3 characteristics of post-modern western cities?
    • eclectic designs, primarily to HAVE MEANING or TO LOOK DIFFEREBT
    • Greater diversity but increased inequality and polarisation
    • dominance of service sector often mean that private businesses have significant influence on urban planning
    • public and private businesses work together
  • give 2 details of las vegas?

    • eclectic designs- over the top american architecture
    • laws are heavily influenced by the wishes of the gaming/ casino industry
    • heavily service orientated