ecology - the study of the interaction between living things and between living things and their environment
biosphere - part of the earth that contains living organisms
ecosystem - group of clearly distinguished organism that interact with each other and with their environment
habite - the place where a plant or animal lives
population - all the members of the same species living in an area
community - all the different populations in an area
abiotic factors - non living things - exposure, steepness, currents
biotic factors - living things - food, competition, predation and humans
Climatic factors - concern the weather over a long period of time - temperature, rainfall, wind
edaphic factors - relating to soil - soil pH, soil type, water, air and mineral content of soil
Aquatic Factors - relate to organism living in or near water-based environments - light, currents, wave action
food chain - a sequence of organisms where each organism is eaten by the next one in the chain
Detritus food chain - begins with dead or composing materials
carnivores - eats only animals
herbivore - eats only plants
omnivore - eats both plants and animals
trophic level - feeding stage in a food chain
grazing food chain - starts with a living plant
producer - autotrophic - all grazing food chains start with one
consumers - heterotrophic - producer is eaten by the primary consumer
primary consumer - herbivore
primary consumer eaten by secondary consumer - carnivores
90% energy loss at each transfer stage
final consumer - top (tertiary) consumer - always carnivores
food web - series of interlinked food chains
a pyramid of numbers shows the number of organisms at each trophic level
there is less energy at each trophic level
the size of the organism increases at each trophic level
limitations of the use of pyramid of numbers - they do not take into account the size of the organism
niche - the functional role of an organism in an ecosystem or habitat
factors that control population numbers - competition, predation , parasitism and symbiosis
competition occurs when 2 or more organisms actively struggle for a resource that is in short supply
competition can occur between members of different species (inter-specific competition) or between members of different species (intra-specific competition)
two types of competition - contest and scramble
content competition occurs when there is an active physical struggle between different organisms - produces one winner and one loser
scramble competition means that all competing organisms get some of the resource
predation is the catching, killing and eating of another organism for food
adaptations of predators - a fox's coat can help them camouflage it
adaptation of prey - rabbits have large hind legs allow them to run very fast
a parasite is a living thing that takes its food from another living thing (called the host) and usually causes harm