making of scientist

Cards (21)

  • Richard High Ebright - background (kindergarten)
    • only child - couldn’t play alone so collected things
    • grew up - north of Reading, Pennsylvania
    • collected rocks, fossils, coins, and butterflies.
    • became an eager astronomer, star-gazing all night.
  • Mother - background
    • encouraged Richie‘s interest in learning
    • took him on trips and hang out with him
    • bought him telescopes, microscope, cameras, mounting materials, and other materials.
    • was his only companion till school started
    • gave him stuff to do (learn)
  • Richard High Ebright - background (1st to 3rd grade)
    • driving curiosity with bright mind
    • earned top grades
    • 2nd grade - collected all 25 species of butterflies found in his hometown
    • 3rd grade - Richie’s father dies
  • The Travels of Monarch X
    • book from Richie’s mother
    • detailed how Monarch butterflies migrate to Central America.
    • invited readers to study butterfly migration
    • tasked readers to tag butterflies for research by and to be sent to Dr Frederick A. Urquhart of University of Toronto, Canada
  • Richard High Ebright - background (Monarchs)
    • attached light adhesive tags to monarchs wings
    • raised a flock of butterflies as butterfly collecting season only lasted 6 months -(In Reading, Pennsylvania)
    • tag butterfly wings and let them go
    • recaptured only two tagged butterflies - poor feedback
  • Monarch life cycle
    • Female Monarch > Eggs > Caterpillar > Pupa > Adult
  • Richard High Ebright - growing (7th grade)
    • entered county science fair - lost
    • slides of frog tissues under microscope
    • realised winners had tried to do real experiments, not simply make a neat display
    • wrote to Dr.Urquhart for experiment suggestions
  • Richard High Ebright - growing (8th grade)
    • experiment to find the cause of a viral disease that kills nearly all monarch caterpillars every few years.
    • raised caterpillars along side beetles
    • won the country fair even if there was no real results
  • Richard High Ebright - growing (9th grade)
    • Theory- viceroys look like monarchs because monarchs don’t taste good to birds. so the more they look like monarchs, the less likely they become a birds dinner.
    • starling ate monarchs (not ordinary bird food)
    • Theory could have been true
    • Zoology division - First, County Science Fair - Third
  • Richard High Ebright - growing (10th grade)
    • Question- What is the purpose of the twelve tiny gold spots on a monarch pupa?
    • built device with another excellent science student to show spots produce necessary development hormone
    • spots were not ornamental
  • Richard High Ebright - prizes (10th grade)
    • country fair - First place
    • entry in international science and engineering fair
    • zoology - third place
    • won chance to work at the entomology laboratory of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research - Summer
  • Richard High Ebright - growing (11th grade)
    • experiment on monarch pupa
    • International Science Fair - First
    • chance to work at army laboratory- summer
  • Richard High Ebright - growing (12th grade)
    • grew cells from monarch wings in a culture
    • cells divide and develop into normal butterfly wing scales if fed the hormone from the gold spots.
    • International Fair (zoology) - first
    • work at army and U.S. Department of Agriculture laboratory
  • Richard High Ebright - peaking (university - freshman)
    • Harvard University
    • Department of Agriculture - identifies hormone’s chemical structure
  • Richard High Ebright - peak (university - junior)
    • idea for new theory of cell life - looking at X-ray photos of the chemical structure of a hormone
    • Question - how the cell can ‘read’ the blueprint of its DNA
    • Theory- DNA is the substance in the nucleus of a cell that controls heredity. It determines the form and function of the cell. Thus DNA is the blue print for life
  • Richard High Ebright - peak (university - senior)
    • Proving his theory
    • models with James R. Wong (room-mate)
    • age 22 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (article)
    • former ’scout of the year‘
    • Harvard - highest honors and 2/1,510, and graduate student researcher at Harvard Medical School
  • Cells theory importance
    • big step towards understanding process of life
    • lead to new ideas for preventing some types of cancers and other diseases.
  • Richard High Ebright - growing (high school)
    • straight-A student
    • turned energy to Debating and Model UN clubs
    • Richard A. Weiherer (social studies teacher)
    • was admired by Richie
    • stated he got extra effort from Richie
    • stated Richie was competitive. for right reasons, he wanted to be the best (not for winning).
  • Richard High Ebright - peak (university - senior)
    • became champion debater and public speaker
    • good canoeist, an all-around outdoors-person
    • expert photographer (nature and scientific exhibits)
    • got here becuase of his scientific curiosity
  • Ingredients in the making of a scientist
    • start with a first-rate mind
    • will to win for the right reasons
    • scientific curiosity
  • The Making of a Scientist
    • Author - Robert W. Peterson
    • Richie - received the Searle Scholar Award and the Schering Plough Award for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology