Ethics of AT

Cards (5)

    Risk of harm
    Evidence: Antabuse can have negative + serious side effects when mixed with alcohol
    -heart failure
    -rapid smoking is unpleasant + risk to health
    Explain: Unethical compared to other treatments such as CBT
    EXT: Argued these risks are justified in terms of risks posed by alcohols,etc
    -without successful treatment addicts are more likely to have risk of harm to physical + psychological health
    Long term benefits
    Evidence: Breaking serious addiction can bring benefits to
    -personal relationships
    Explain: Benefits outweigh potential risks 
    -can be considered ethical approach to therapy
    -clients using AT given valid consent to take part in methods
    Covert sensitisation is a recent ethical development
    Evidence: Covert sensitization involves client imagaining dreadful scenarios that could occur from their addiction
    -Imagining feeling sick when the client has urge to drink, for example
    Explain: Kraft
    -more ethical as it avoids unpleasant reactions to substances such as Antabuse
    Symptom substitution - only treats symptoms not cause
    Evidence: Negative association treats how the client feels towards focus of their addiction
    -doesn't treat underlying cause
    Explain: AT may appear to cure the person but the underlying problem may recur in the form of a different addiction or undesirable behavior - symptom substitution
  • Conclusions
    • Relies on an aversive reaction stimulus  for unpleasant experience(risk of harm)
    • Should be undertaken with full informed consent
    • If successful can be viewed ethical due to the long term benefits of being free from addiction outweighs any short term distress as part of the therapy