Stages of psychosexual development

Cards (12)

  • sigmund freud - australian neurologist who developed psychoanalysis
  • Freud and his colleague published "studies in Hysteria"
  • erogenous zones - points on the body that can touch to stimulate pleasure
  • libido - desire/sexual desire was described as the driving force behind behavior
  • 5 stages of psychosexual development
  • oral stage - mouth
    preoccupies himself with nursing, sucking and accepting things into the mouth
  • anal stage (1-3y/o) - bowel and bladder control
    child's libido/innate pleasure-seeking energy, is focused on the anus, and controlling the bladder (retains pee) and the bowel movement (intestine)
  • phallic stage (3-6y/o) - genitals
    increasingly aware of their bodies and exhibit a heightened interest in their own genitals.
    arousing of sexual attachment for the parent of the opposite sex
  • oedipus complex is the stage of development where a boy develops a sexual attraction to his mother
  • electra complex: the idea that girls are expected to be submissive to their fathers
  • latency stage (6-puberty) - sexual feelings are inactive
    superego continues to develop while the id's energies are suppressed
    child's libido is for social and friendship interaction with everyone
    child's libido is in a "do not disturb mode"
  • genital stage (puberty to adulthood unto death) - puberty to death maturing sexual interest
    develops strong interest leading to strong bond relationships