She interviewed 37 women from 19 sets of sisters and identified 4 ideas of sistering: Best Friendship, Companionship, Positioned relations, and Shifting positions.
One of the major reasons why the female experiences gender inequality is because of the perceptions that society has on the female - work has to come second to having children & taking care of them.
Females and males are divided into two different spheres — men are expected to be providers (public sphere); females are supposed to take care of the family (private sphere).
Rosemary Crompton argues that both females and males need to combine employment and caregiving roles in their everyday lives to ensure equality between both genders.
Housework is often divided unequally between sexes, with men doing more housework than they used to in the 1970s and 1980s, but housework is still divided unequally and varies around the world.
The NSPCC (The National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children) defines 4 categories of child abuse: Neglect, Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, and Sexual Abuse.
Family relationships can be very fulfilling but there are some cases where these relationships bring tension, drive people to despair, filling people with guilt or anxiety.
Devault (1991) looked at the social construction of such activities — women perform the bulk of the housework because of the association of caring in the family with the female's role.
Shelton in 1992, said that females have their second shift after work, going to work (their first shift), then they go back home to their second shift (housework & taking care of the children).
Domestic violence is common because of the emotional intensity found in family — quarrels in every family & some violence is often approved or else tolerated within the family itself.