Topic 8 and 13: energetics I & II

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  • chemical potential energy is energy that lies between chemical bonds
  • kinetic is how the bonds move
  • potential is how strong particles are attracted
  • when chemicals react bonds are broken and made which changes the chemical energy of atoms
  • heat energy is a component of kinetic and potential energy that is responsible for the temperature of substances
  • enthalpy is the thermal energy that is stored in a chemical
  • unit for enthalpy is KJ/mol
  • chemical system is the reactants and products
  • surroundings is everything outside the chemical system
  • exothermic is when heat energy is released to the surroundings and endothermic is when heat energy is taken in from the surroudnings
  • exothermic enthalpy is negative while endothermic enthalpy is positive
  • standard enthalpy change of reaction is the energy change associated with a given reaction under standard conditions and all reactants and products in there standard states
  • standard enthalpy change of combustion is the enthalpy change that takes place when one mol of a substance reacts completely with oxygen under standard conditions and all reactants and products being in the standards states
  • standard enthalpy change of formation of a compound is the enthalpy change that takes place when 1 mol of a compound is formed from its constituent element in there standard conditions and standard states
  • enthalpy change of neutralisation is the enthalpy change when one mol of water is formed a neutralisation reaction in their standard conditions and standard states
  • specific heat capacity is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1 degree
  • heat transferred in J is mass in grams times specific heat times temperature change in K
  • heat may be transferred to air, to the apparatus, conditions not standard and incomplete combustion would mean that not all reactants burned completely to make products
  • enthalpy change of neutralisation add mass of both solutions when working out how much heat energy was transferred
  • specific heat of water is 4.18
  • average bond enthalpies is the mean energy needed for 1 mol of a given type of gaseous bonds to undergo homolytic fission
  • average bond enthalpies equals to the sum of bond enthalpies of the reactants - the sum of bond enthalpies of the products
  • bond enthalpies tells you how much energy is needed to break a given type of bond
  • in endothermic reactions the energy required to break bonds is greater that the energy released from bond making
  • in exothermic reactions the energy required to make bonds is greater that the energy required to break bonds
  • standard enthalpy change of atomisation
    energy change when one mol of a gaseous atom is formed from an element in its standard states under standard conditions
  • electron affinity
    energy change when each atom in 1 mol of atoms in the gaseous state gains an electron to form -1 gaseous ions
  • standard lattice enthalpy
    energy change when one mol of an ionic solid is formed from its gaseous ions under standard conditions
  • factors affecting magnitude of lattice energy
    charge on ions
    number of cation anion interactions
    sum of ionic radii
  • lattice enthalpy of disassociation
    breaking ions of opposite charges apart
  • lattice enthalpy of disassociation is the opposite of lattice enthalpy of formation
  • to workout the theoretical lattice energy the assumptions are 

    ions are in contact with one another
    ions are perfectly spherical
    charge on each ion is equal
  • the small the difference the closer to having a perfect ionic stricture
    the bigger the difference the more covalent character
  • covalency in bonding
    caused by polarisation of anion by cation
    this distorts the electron density in the anion
    results in higher electron density near cation
  • equation for charge density
    charge divided by radius squared
  • standard enthalpy of solution
    enthalpy change when 1 mol of an ionic compound is dissolved in water to form infinity dilute solution
    this can be either endothermic or exothermic
  • standard enthalpy of hydration
    the enthalpy change when 1 mol of gaseous ions is completely hydrated by water
  • electron affinity
    the enthalpy change when 1 mol of gaseous 1- ions are made from 1 mol of gaseous atoms
  • enthalpy change of atomisation
    enthalpy change when 1 mol of gaseous atoms is made from an element in its standard state
  • enthalpy change of solution
    the enthalpy change when one mole of an ionic compound is dissolved in a solvent to form an infinitely dilute solution