Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms

Cards (13)

  • What are reproductive isolating mechanisms?
    They are mechanisms critical for speciation
  • How do reproductive isolating mechanisms function?
    They maintain reproductive isolation between species
  • What is the purpose of reproductive isolating mechanisms?
    To prevent different species from producing offspring
  • What are the two categories of reproductive isolating mechanisms?
    Pre-zygotic and post-zygotic mechanisms
  • What are the types of pre-zygotic isolating mechanisms?
    • Habitat isolation
    • Behavioral isolation
    • Temporal isolation
    • Mechanical isolation
    • Gametic isolation
  • What is habitat isolation?
    Organisms live in two different environments
  • What is behavioral isolation?
    Mating behaviors are not recognized by others
  • What is temporal isolation?
    Different times of year for reproduction
  • What is mechanical isolation?
    Reproductive parts do not fit together
  • What is gametic isolation?
    Sperm and egg do not recognize each other
  • What are the types of post-zygotic isolating mechanisms?
    • Reduced hybrid viability
    • Reduced hybrid fertility
  • What is reduced hybrid viability?
    Hybrid organism cannot survive long during development
  • What is reduced hybrid fertility?
    Hybrid organism survives but cannot reproduce