Explain how particlesfloating in the atmosphere influence the temperature at the poles.
Particles floating in the atmosphere (pollution, ash, dust) absorb some of the sun's heat before it hits the ground. At the poles, the sun's rays pass through more atmosphere which means it is cooler on the ground.
In cold air, molecules are packed tightly together - the air becomes denser and begins to sink. The air now presses on the Earth's surface, creating high pressure.
Describe the links between circulation and the ecosystem Tropics.
-warm air rises at the equator causing low pressure-the warm moist air rises and cools and condenses to form clouds-these clouds rain in the afternoon (convectional rainfall)
Describe the links between circulation and the polar regions
-air is falling and causes high pressure-falling air warms and so can hold more moisture so clouds do not form-the latitude makes the temperatures very cold
-winds blow towards the equator-ascend near the equator (forming the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone as a broken line of thunderstorms)-the air flows towards higher latitudes and sinks, producing high pressure regions over subtropical oceans and hot deserts.
Explain the UK's weather, in terms of global circulation.
- warm moist air from the tropics gets fed north by the surface winds of the Ferrell cell.- this meets cool dry air moving south in the Polar Cell.- the polar front forms where these two contrasting air mass meet, causing ascending air and low pressure at the surface.
Sinking air from the Hadley and feral cell meeting, causes, high-pressure and prevents rainfall.
Rainfall is very low for all or most of the year. Temperatures are hot or warm.
rising air from the two Hadley cells, meeting causes, low pressure and lots of rainfall.
Temperatures are hot all the time and rainfall is high.
Sinking air from the polar cells, create an area of high pressure at the poles.
Temperatures are low all year round, and there's very little rainfall.
Explain one reason why more heat energy is received at the Equator than at the poles?
At the poles the Earth is curved and the distributes heat at an oblique angle, meaning, not as much heat can reach the poleswhereas the heat energy is more concentrated at the equator, allowingmoreheat to reach it.