Asexual and Sexual Reproduction in Plants

Cards (17)

  • Reproduction is one of the important characteristics of all living things
  • living organisms create new individuals that carry genetic materials of their parents
  • A diploid cell contains the total genetic materials present in the species
  • All body cells such as skin cells, stomach cells, nerve cells, etc. are in diploid form. These cells usually contain combined genetic materials from both parents
  • A haploid cell contains half of the total genetic materials present in the species
  • Sex cells (sperm and egg) of animals and spores or pollen grains in plants are usually in haploid form. These cells usually contain genetic materials from an individual parent
  • Fertilization is the process wherein the haploid egg and haploid sperm of the parents unite to form a diploid zygote
  • During pollination, the pollen grains from the anther is being carried to the pistil of the flower
  • Bulbs occur when parts of the roots split and each part develops into a new bulb
  • Tubers are formed when an underground stem forms a bulb
  • Runners occur when a horizontal stem develops from the vertical stem of a grown plant and extends above and along the ground
  • Rhizomes are thick, underground stems that produce upright stems with leaves, each of which becomes an independent plant
  • Cutting is a method when a piece of the stem is cut from a plant
  • Layering is a method wherein a low branch of the plant is bent down close to the ground and covered in moist soil in such a way that its growing tip is above the soil
  • Grafting is a method where two different plants are joined together to grow into a new plant
  • Sexual reproduction in plants often involves the alternation of generations in their life cycle
  • Asexual reproduction in plants can be in the form of vegetative reproduction or apomixes