Overweight and underweight are defined as weight 10% to 20% and 10% to 15% above average respectively.
The term normal weight can mean average, desired, or standard.
Water intake should be
eight 8-ounce glasses daily.
Avoid saturated fat and cholesterol.
Eat a variety of foods.
Reduce salt intake (do not add salt at the table).
Avoid excess sugar (desserts and candy).
Maintain ideal body weight for age and height.
Eat four to five small meals a day rather than three large ones.
Drink alcohol in moderation, if at all.
Normal weight is that which is appropriate for the maintenance of good health for a particular individual at a particular time.
The rule of thumb method for determining one’s ideal body weight is as follows: Males assume 106 pounds for the first 5 feet (60 inches) and add 6 pounds for each inch over 60.
Females assume 100 pounds for the first 5 feet (60 inches) and add 5 pounds for each inch over 60.
Large-boned individuals of both sexes increase the first sum by 10%.
Small-boned individuals of both sexes decrease the first sum by 10%.
A high-calorie, high-protein shake with 8 ounces of Egg Beaters, 2 tablespoons corn syrup, honey, or sugar, 1/2 cup whipping cream, and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla is a good source of calories and protein.
Behavior modification must be an essential component of any weight loss or weight gain regimen.
Excessive weight endangers health and should be lost by the use of a reduced-calorie diet based on MyPyramid.
Fad diets ultimately fail because they do not change eating habits.
Excess weight is usually caused by energy imbalance.
Exercise is beneficial to weight loss regimens but rarely can replace the reduced-calorie diet.
A reduced-calorie diet helps the dieter change eating habits and avoid regaining the lost weight.
A peanut butter snack spread with 1/3 cup serving of instant dry milk, honey, water, and 3 heaping tablespoons of peanut butter is a good source of calories and protein.
Underweight is also dangerous to health, and psychological counseling as well as a high-calorie diet may be required for proper treatment.
A high-calorie shake with 6 ounces of vanilla ice cream, 1/2 cup vegetable oil, 1/2 cup corn syrup, and 2 tablespoons whole milk is a good source of calories and protein.
Fad diets are expensive and boring and may lead to nutritional deficiencies.
The medical standard used to define obesity is the body mass index (BMI).
The BMI is obtained by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared.
Fewer health risks are associated with a BMI range of 19 to 25 than with BMI above or below that range.
A BMI between 25 and 30 indicates overweight, whereas a BMI over 30 indicates obesity.
The distribution of fat is another indicator of possible health problems.
Fat in the abdominal cavity (visceral fat) has been shown to be associated with a greater risk for hypertension; coronary heart disease; type 2 diabetes; and certain types of cancer than has fat in the thigh, buttocks, and hip area.
Sixty-four percent of Americans are overweight or obese.
Data from the National Center for Health Statistics show that 73% of adults 20 years old and older are overweight or underweight.
Obese persons are also overweight.
Obesity and overweight have become epidemic.
If weights remain the same, one is considered overfat because the proportion of fat will have become too high.
Fat protects organs from injury and acts as insulation.
A healthy BMI range from 18.5 up to 25 refers to healthy weight.
Using a caliper correctly requires practice and skill.