some sample commands

Cards (24)

  • DATE: Displays or sets the system date.
  • TIME: Displays or sets the system time.
  • DIR: Lists all files of specific directories or subdirectories.
  • VER: Displays the version number of MS-DOS.
  • CD or CHDIR: Navigates or moves to a specific directory.
  • RD or RMDIR: Removes a directory.
  • TREE: Displays all directory paths.
  • PATH: Sets sequential search path for executable files.
  • SUBST: Substitutes a string alias for the pathname.
  • FORMAT: Formats a disk for DOS files.
  • COPY: Copies one or more files to another location.
  • XCOPY: Copies files and directories and their subdirectories.
  • DEL: Deletes files.
  • REN or RENAME: Renames the name of a file or directory.
  • ATTRIB: Sets or shows file attributes.
  • BACKUP: Backup files and directories.
  • PROMPT: Customizes the DOS prompt.
  • DELTREE: Deletes all files and subdirectories from a computer.
  • HELP: Lists the available commands or provides more information about a specific command.
  • MKDIR or MD: Creates a new subdirectory.
  • MOVE: Moves files or directories from one directory to another or from one drive to another.
  • TYPE: Displays the contents of a file on the screen.
  • * (Wildcard): Represents one or more characters a group of files has in common.
  • ? (Wildcard): Represents a single character a group of files has in common.