Cards (14)

  • What is speciation?
    The evolution of a new species from existing species
  • What is the process of speciation?
    1. Separation
    2. Different selection pressures
    3. Different allele frequency
    4. No fertile offspring
  • How long does speciation take?
    Many generations
  • What is allopatric isolation?
    Geographical isolation
  • What is geographical isolation?
    Where groups have become physically separated
  • What is sympatric isolation?
    Reproductive isolation
  • What is reproductive isolation?
    Where there are no physical barriers, but other mechanisms preventing groups from breeding
  • What are the six main mechanisms of reproductive isolation?
    • Ecological isolation
    • Temporal isolation
    • Behavioural isolation
    • Morphological isolation
    • Gametic isolation
    • Mating results in hybrid sterility
  • What is ecological isolation?
    Habitat differences- monkeys at different heights in the rainforest
  • What is temporal isolation?
    Where breeding seasons don't match
  • What is behavioural isolation?
    Courtship difference- birds
  • What is morphological isolation?
    Different sized genitalia
  • What is gametic isolation?
    Gametes do not match (sperm does not survive)
  • Why does hybrid sterility happen?
    Homologous pairs of chromosomes cannot be formed