Freud believed that children have no concept of gender identity before the phallic stage and it only becomes established when children experience the oedipu/electra complex
Idenitification is where children identify with the same-sex parent as a means of resolving their respective complexes
Identification leads to the development of a superego
Internalisation is where children take on board the gender identity of the same-sex parent
The Oedipus complex is where a boy's love for his mother causes feelings of rivalry towards the father as they want to possess her
The boy experiences castration anxiety due to fear that his father will find out about his desires
The boy recognises that the father's penis is larger therefore he is more powerful
The boy develops a belief that his father has castrated his mother so may do the same to him
The Electra complex is a similar concept developed by Carl Jung for females
The girl develops a passionatedesire for her father
The girl resents her mother for not giving her a penis due to the belief that she has been castrated which leads to penis envy
The girl substitutes the desire for a penis with the desire for a son so lusts after father
Phallic fixation is where the child becomes stuck in the phallic stage as they do not resolve their conflict
Phallic fixation leads to anxiety & guilt for sex, castration anxiety (men), narcissistic personality, homosexuality, curiosity, exhibitionism
Freud believed that women never progress past the phallic stage so maintain a sense of envy & inferiority
Boys overcome the phallic stage using repression to push desire for mother and hostility for father into the unconscious, reducing the tension between father and son which allows identification
Girls identify with their mother but are less motivated than boys due to lack of castration anxiety so develop a weaker gender identity
Girls retain their mother's love in the hope that it will attract their father in the same way
Children in non-nuclear families are unable to experince the oedipus/electra complex so cannot resolve conflicts necessary to develop a healthy gender identity
Freud's theory is supported by his study of Little Hans as he explained that his fear of horses was displacement of his castration anxiety towards the horse
Freud'stheory has a lack of falsifiability and reliability therefore is highly unscientific
Freud's theory is androcentric as it is focused on male values
Karen Horney proposed 'womb envy' in men as a desire to be able to nurture life