Monetarism - early economy

Cards (9)

  • Define monetarism
    • cut government spending in order to curb inflation
  • Inflation due to monetarism hit over 15%
  • Inflation hit 2 million
  • North Sea Oil stopped a balance of payments crisis
  • 1981 - further monetarism
  • 1981 budget
    • local council budgets are cut
    • Income tax fell from 83 to 44 percent whilst lowest band went to 25 from 33
    • VAT went from 8 to 15 percent
    • Indirect tax on poorest and not progressive
  • Public spending cuts led to clashes with looney left - labour councils - blamed them in ideology and wasting resources
    • Ken Livingston and GLC - demonised for education and public transport
  • Rate Capping 1990
    • Sheffield and Liverpool rebelled but threat of bankruptcy backed down
    • 1986 local government act - central government powers increased at expense of local
  • Social security spending went up so much due to unemployment meaning that public spending was never cut