Cards (16)

  • Somatic sensations are sensory receptors located in the skin.
  • Proprioception is the ability to recognize the position of body parts, located in muscles and tendons.
  • Kinesthesia is the ability to recognize the movement of body parts, located in muscles and tendons.
  • Olfactory transduction involves the process of converting chemical signals into neural signals, located through the cribriform plate.
  • Gustation involves the process of converting chemical signals into neural signals, located through filiform papillae.
  • Vision involves the process of converting light energy into neural signals, located in the eye (vitreous chamber).
  • Hearing and equilibrium involve the process of converting sound energy into neural signals, located in the ear.
  • The process of sensation begins with the generation of nerve impulses and ends with the integration of sensory input.
  • Gustatory receptor cells, photoreceptors, and hair cells are examples of sensory receptors.
  • Thermal sensations, pain sensations, and proprioceptive sensations are types of somatic sensations.
  • Somatic pain is a type of pain located in the somatic sensations.
  • Proprioceptive sensations are located in the muscles and tendons.
  • Sensory receptors are located in the skin, in the somatic sensations.
  • Clinical connections include thermal sensations, pain sensations, and proprioceptive sensations.
  • The aging process affects the special senses.
  • MedTerm is a medical term database.