Life expectancy, HDI, GDP per capita, percentage of literate women up
Life expectancy - 46-58 in Uganda, 65-72 in Bangladesh
What is democracy?
A politcal system where the pole vote for a leader who makes choices based on the public's wants and needs
Why is democracy a measure of success?
It shows a country isn't corrupt, acts as a forerunner to political and environmental stability
Is it a fair measure?
No - western standard
Yes - dictatorship bad
Democracy aid
Nearly all western governments allocate funding for democracy building
Focuses on:
Supporting processes and institutions - fair and free elections
Strengthening government institution
Supporting civil safety
Freedom of expression is an international right in UDHR
When can democracy aid work?
36 of 57 countries that became democracies 1980-95 received democracy aid from USA
Local demand for democracy
Strong institutions
Long-term commitment
Context-specific strategies
Economic growth
A country that prospers economically will gain resources to improve infrastructure, health and education
Countries become beneficial trading partners
DFiD - sustained economic growth is the 'single most important way to reduce poverty' - 10% increase in a country's average income reduces poverty 20-30%
Aid for trade
2005 - WTO called for more/better aid for trade
WTO initiative - help developing countries to increase trade