8A.10 - Measuring success of military interventions

Cards (10)

  • What makes an intervention successful?
    • Reduces conflict
    • Improves HDI
    • Economic benefits
  • Uganda and Bangladesh
    • Infant mortality, maternal mortality down
    • Life expectancy, HDI, GDP per capita, percentage of literate women up
    • Life expectancy - 46-58 in Uganda, 65-72 in Bangladesh
  • What is democracy?
    A politcal system where the pole vote for a leader who makes choices based on the public's wants and needs
  • Why is democracy a measure of success?
    It shows a country isn't corrupt, acts as a forerunner to political and environmental stability
  • Is it a fair measure?
    • No - western standard
    • Yes - dictatorship bad
  • Democracy aid
    • Nearly all western governments allocate funding for democracy building
    • Focuses on:
    • Supporting processes and institutions - fair and free elections
    • Strengthening government institution
    • Supporting civil safety
    • Freedom of expression is an international right in UDHR
  • When can democracy aid work?
    • 36 of 57 countries that became democracies 1980-95 received democracy aid from USA
    • Local demand for democracy
    • Strong institutions
    • Long-term commitment
    • Context-specific strategies
  • Economic growth
    • A country that prospers economically will gain resources to improve infrastructure, health and education
    • Countries become beneficial trading partners
    • DFiD - sustained economic growth is the 'single most important way to reduce poverty' - 10% increase in a country's average income reduces poverty 20-30%
  • Aid for trade
    • 2005 - WTO called for more/better aid for trade
    • WTO initiative - help developing countries to increase trade
  • Success?
    • US-funded child health programme in Afghanistan
    • Uganda and Bangladesh - not meeting aims
    • 2014 - Afghanistan women voted