Cards (20)

  • Bertrand de Jouvenal: “there is tyranny in the womb of every utopia”
  • Lepore: Dystopias are “political parables”
  • Moylan: ‘Dystopia is used to launch a political critique of the present’
  • Gerber: “There is no way out of the Dystopian state, even in thought”
  • Taylor: 1984 is a ‘novel about totalitarian blindness’
  • Brooker: ‘Dystopian fiction offers fresh perspectives on problematic social and political practices’
  • Brooker: Dystopia ‘provides satirical cautionary warnings’
  • Brooker: ‘The bleak dystopian world should encourage the reader to think critically’
  • Brooker: 'Dystopian societies are more or less thinly veiled re-figuration of a situation that already exists in reality’
  • Brooker: “Born from the grizzly excess of totalitarian regimes”
  • Brooker: "[dystopian goverments] focus on sexuality as a crucial matter for their efforts at social control"
  • Christopher Hitchens - humans have 'the awful pleasures and temptations of servility'
    • Andrea Rita Dworkin (1946 –2005)
    • American radical feminist writer, orator and activist.
    • Known predominantly for her fierce anti-pornography stance.
    • ' Night is magical for men' - Andrea Dworkin
    • 'Night means for all women a choice - danger or confinement... But in confinement, we are promised a lessening of danger,' - Andrea Dworkin
    • 'The herstory of women has been one of confinement' - Andrea Dworkin
  • Richard V. Reeves writes in 'Of Boys and Men'  that schoolgirls outperform schoolboys in 2009, American high-school students in the top ten per cent of their freshman class were twice as likely to be female. Boys, meanwhile, are at least twice as likely to be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and twice as likely to be suspended; their dropout rates, too, are considerably higher than those of their female counterparts. Young men are also four times as likely to die from suicide.
  • The New Yorker - 'What's the matter with men' by Idrees Kahloon: 'An axiom of policymaking is that disparate educational achievement today will manifest in disparate earnings later. Reeves points out that women earn roughly three-fifths of all bachelor’s and master’s degrees awarded. They are the majority of current medical and law students. And they’ve made extraordinary gains in subjects where they had once been highly underrepresented; they now constitute a third of current graduates in STEM fields and more than forty per cent of students in business schools.'
  • Jem Berkes - 'Language becomes a method of mind control with the ultimate goal being the destruction of will and imagination.’
  • James Topham - “'Language is degraded to such an extent that it only serves the government'