Cards (14)

  • What is the body form of protozoans?
    Single Celled
    Free living, commensal or parasitic
  • The plasma / cell membrane is modified in some protists, helps give rigidity
  • What is the alveoli?
    Membranes that form sacs
  • What is the glycolax?
    Glycoprotein surface coat
  • What is the mitochondrea shaped like?
    Can either be tubular or have branched cistrae
  • What is their nuclei like?
    Has a micro and a macronucleus
  • Flagella?
    composed of a central axoneme, originates from the kinetoplast (kDNA)
  • Cilia?
    Similar to flagella, found throughout the body
  • Pseudopodia?
    Found in amoebas, function in movement and feeding
  • How does asexual reproduction occur in amoebas?
    Flagella: Longitudinal
    Transversally: Flagellates
  • Where does multiple fission occur in?
    Amoebas and apicomplexa
    results in multiple daughter cells
  • What does the fusion of a macro-gamete and a micro-gamete result in?
    Zygote, when nuclei come together it is known as conjugation
  • Where does conjugation occur?
    In ciliates only
  • What cyst?
    Resistant covering, prevents drying and other harsh conditions. Locomotor is reabsorbed, nuclei division can occur