E. Histolytica

Cards (19)

  • What does E. histolytica cause?
    Amoebic dysentery: bloody + mucous-y diarrhea
  • Where is E. histolytica found?
    Worldwide, mammals are the reservoir hosts
  • What stages are parasitic?
    Metacyst Troph. -> Trophozoite
  • What stages are free living?
    Precyst -> Cyst -> Metacyst
  • Trophozoite stage?
    20 - 30 um
    Spherical Bulls-eye nucleus
  • Trophozoite stage?
    Food vacuoles in the cytoplasm
    No chromatid bars
  • What triggers E. histolytica cyst formation?
    Dehydration of the stool in the lower intestine
  • What happens during cyst formation?
    Undigested food is discarded, then is formed into the precyst that has a large glycogen vacuole
  • How many nuclei does an E. histolytica metacyst have?
    8 nuclei
  • Where to E. histolytica trophozoites live?
    Mucosa of the lower intestine, forms ulcers and may reach the blood vessels
  • E. histolytica ectopic sites?
    Liver, lungs, brain
  • What happens if a person with many E. histolytica is releasing a lot of cysts?
    May be asymptomatic
  • Pathology?
    90% are a symptomatic
  • Pathology?
    10% are symptomatic
    loose stool, stomach pains, and nausea are mild symptoms
  • Pathology: severe symptoms?
    amoebic dysentery, ulcers, megacolon, ameboma, ectopic infections, diarrhea
  • How can people be with E. histolytica be identified?
    Flask shaped intestinal lesions
  • What happens to a person with eosinophilia + dysentery?
    formation of Charcot-Layden crystals, eosinophils in stool are disintegrated and crystalized
  • Diagnosis of E. histolytica?
    Trophozoites + cysts in stool
    Ectopic infection: x-rays
  • How to prevent E. histolytica?
    Proper waste disposal and hygiene
    Fly control