Stercoraria (Posterior)

Cards (18)

  • Trypaonsoma cruzi?
    Distributed in south and central America
    Found in wild animals
  • What are the reservoir hosts?
    domestic animals
  • What is the T. cruzi morphology?
    Kinetoplast is large, dies in the form of a ?
    Amastigote stage is in the muscle
  • What are T. cruzi's vector?
    Kissing bugs, transmitted through a blood meal
  • What happens to T. cruzi in the reduviidae? (1)
    Trypomastigotes are ingested in a blood meal and move to the hind gut
  • What happens to T. cruzi in the reduviidae? (2)
    Become epimastigotes and reproduce, which then appear in the rectum as metacytic trypomastigotes
  • What happens to T. cruzi in the reduviidae? (3)
    Are dropped into the hosts skin as a shit ball, infected when rubbed into the wound
  • What happens to T. cruzi in the 'vert? (1)
    Trypomastigotes cause acute inflammation and move to the lymph nodes
  • What happens to T. cruzi in the 'vert?
    Become amastigotes in the monocyte, divide and form pseudocysts then transform back into trypomas.
  • What happens to T. cruzi in the 'vert? (3)
    Forms a psuedocyst, the trypomastigotes can infect any cell in the body
  • What happens to T. cruzi in the 'vert? (4)
    Become amastigotes to start the process all over again
  • What is this acute phase?
    Most common and is severe in children, causes Chagas
  • What is this acute phase?
    Psuedocysts can be found in nearly every type of cell
    Anemia, nerve damage, chills, muscle and bone damage
    Death occurs in 3 to 4 weeks
  • What is the chronic phase?
    Nervous system disfunction
    Can go asymptomatic for years, 80% of cardiac nerve ganglia are lost
  • What is the chronic phase?
    Autonomic ganglia in the esophagous and the colon are also destroyed
  • What is the chronic phase?
    Megacolon and megaesophagous occur due to the destruction of nerve ganglia
  • What is the diagnosis for T. cruzi?
    Trypomastigotes in blood or the lymph system
    Inoculated into sterile rodents and tissue smears are preformed
  • What is T. cruzi weak to?