History chp 16

Cards (29)

  • During the war, the North Increased National government:
    • Republicans passes system of uniform banking and railroads
  • During war, South
    • War destroyed economy
    • Farm lands lay barren
    • Sherman- Georgia and South Carolina
    • General Sherman (U) was in charge of March to the Sea
    • March to the Sea- military campaign; taking southern property; undermine civilian support for Confederacy
    • Confederate money devalued
    • South printed paper money with the intent of winning the war and using it
    • Buildings are burnt, cities and towns in disarray
  • Reconstruction (1865-1877), Restoration vs Reconstruction
    • Lincoln plan- moderate
    • Restore; wants the Southern states go back to the way they were
    • Doesn't believe that they should be punished
    • Congress - more extreme (Radical Republicans)
    • Reconstruct; wants to completely rebuild South in North's image
    • Lincoln vetoed their bills
    • Lincoln shot Apr. 14 1865
    • By John Wilkes Booth and others
    • Lincoln dies Apr. 15 1865
    • Andrew Johnson becomes President
    • Pro Union Democrat
    • 1865-1869
    • Arrogant, drunkard, racist, believes in Lincoln's plan
    • No political clout
    • Favored limited federal government
  • 13th Amendment - 1865
    • officially ended slavery
    • Illegalized slavery
  • Southern Black Codes
    • Blacks stay in south despite being free
    • These laws limited freedoms of African Americans
    • Common: firearm
    • own land
    • Rare: not allowed to move
    • People in power created these to limit the voice of African Americans; since most likely they would be Republican
  • Civil Rights Act of 1866, 1875
    • 1866- gave African American's / former slaves citizenship
    • 1875- illegalized discrimination, allowed people of color to have access to places they didn't before
  • 1868 Johnson Impeachment Trial
    • Hurt both sides
    • Johnson is views as not able to work with congress
    • Congress is seen as politically driven
    • First presidential impeachment trial for a president in office
    • By one vote, Johnson is not impeached
    • He made a deal with senate that he won't vetoe their plans anymore
    • Brought on by Johnson wanting to fire the Secretary of War, Stanton
  • March 2, 1867- Radical Reconstruction begins
    • Johnson says reconstruction is over, Congress wants more reconstruction.
    • Military Reconstruction Act
    • 5 Military districts be placed in rebellious states
    • Rebellious states had to make new (approved) constitutions to enter back in
    • Rebellious states must ratify 14th Amendment
    • Command of Army Act
    • President is the commander of army, but orders have to go through Secretary of War
    • Wanted to limit the powers of President Johnson
    • Tenure of Office Act
    • Johnson wants Sec. of War to do something, because they said no, Johnson tries to fire Stanton
  • 14th Amendment- 1868:
    • Citizenship, prevents deprivation of due process
    • Gives African Americans citizenship
    • Equal protection under the law
    • Due process- the steps the law must make in order to deprive rights
    • Revokes Dred Scott ruling
    15th Amendment- 1870:
    • Right to vote regardless of race/color
    • Still no women
    "Freedom could make folks proud, but it doesn't make 'em rich"
    • By former slave
    • No more 40 acres and a mule (not enough), seen as unlawful
    • Freedsmen Bureau- helped former slaves get a standing in society
  • Freedsmen Bureau-
    • helped former slaves get a standing in society
    • Helped with education
  • Carpet Baggers (Northerners)
    • Come from North to try to help rebuild
    • More Lincoln Republican than radical
    • Not really seen as helpful
    Scalawags (Southern Republicans)
    • Seen as betrayers of heritage
  • Sharecroppers
    • Work for share of crop to sell or have
    • Work land, but don't own it
    • Poor whites who have always had trouble with making money are upset because they see African Americans taking their opportunities
    • Competition between poor whites and poor African Americans
  • Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877)
    • Republican - moderate
    • Winning general of the war
    • Does not want to punish south
    • Wins because of African American vote
    • Corruption issues
    • Elected greedy people called the "spoilsmen" into congress
    • Raised the salary of Spoilsmen and president
    • Spoilsmen bribed to get their way
  • KKK
    • Pulaski, Tenessee 1866
    • Stars out a social club for old Confederate generals
    • Racist
    • Wanted to target Republicans, but Black people are easier (since they are stereotyped as Republican)
    • More representation in Ohio
    • Dies off after Reconstruction
  • 1870-1871 Enforcement Acts (3)
    • Criminal codes that protect African American's right to vote, hold office, serve juries, and receive equal protection under the law
    • Empowered president to use military force to protect African Americans.
  • 1872 Liberal Republicans Horace Greely nominee
    • Liberal Republicans- want African Americans to use their newfound rights
    • Horace Greely is nominated by the Democratic party despite the differences, against Grant
    • Despite Grant's scandals, he wins another term
  • Democrats "The white and Black Republicans may outvote us but we can outcount them"
    • They don't want to accept responsibility for their role in conflicts
  • 1873 Business Panic
    • 6 year depression
    • Particularly due to currency
    • Since gold and silver is no more in South, South likes paper money
    • North wants to buy back money and give south gold and silver
    • Farmers hold onto paper money
    • The lack of paper money causes a partial crash
    • Affected the North more than the South
  • Compromise of 1877
    • Resolved political dispute over the presidential election
    • Since Democrats beat up Republicans so, Republicans could not go vote
    • Electoral College starts up again and Hayes Wins - Republicans wanted
    • Also ended Reconstruction - Democrats wanted
  • Greenback Party- favored paper money
    • argued for money being standard
    • They evolve into progressive party, which will influence Dem->Rep and Rep->Dem during Roosevelt
  • Because of the Compromise of 1877:
    • The states who have not ratified the 14th Amendment are readmitted
    • Reconstruction ends
  • Hayes is Republican
  • New South
    • Shift from strictly Agrarian
    • Because of Business panic, South's economy is good
    • 1880-1890: Cotton Mills
    • Goes from 161 to 400
    • 1875-1900 Coal Production
    • Goes from 5 Million to 49 Million
    • South wants infrastructure now because they have learned from the war
  • Politics: Southern Democratic leadership
    • Called "Bourbons" by critics
    • Called "Reedemers" by supporters, mostly moderate at first
  • Cotton and Sugar Cane Recovered
    • Sharecropper
    • Tenant Farmers
    • Crop - Lien Merchant
    • Allowed farmers to obtain supplies (food, seed) on a credit
    • Debt was to be repaid after crop was harvested and brought to market
  • 1890s moderation evaporates
    • In South
    • Attempts to eliminate black vote
    • Poll Tax: discriminated against poor whites and blacks
    • Literacy Test: Had voters read the Constitution
    • Residency requirements
    • Democratic Only Primary: called "White Primary"
  • 1883- Supreme Court: Decided that individual discrimination legal (7 rulings)
    • Plessy v Ferguson
    • Separate but equal
    • Plessy was riding across the border of Louisianna and was told to sit in the back. He said no. Was arrested.
    • Supreme court ruled that segregation was legal some places
    • Cornerstone for Jim Crow Laws
    • Jim Crow Laws
    • Growing violence
    • Segregation laws
    • Jim Crow was cariacature of Black people
    • Booker T. Washington- former slave, somewhat believed in segregation, Tuskegee University
    • WEB Dubois- against segregation
    • Growth in Black owned business- more need
  • Restoration/reconstruction fixed some things, but painted over others, and left others untouched