Cards (11)

  • Conducting a survey is one effective way to gather information or data from the respondents. Surveys are used to get the pulse and preferences of a particular group of people to be used as the basis for the conclusion and recommendation of a study.
  • It's preferred by most researchers because surveys are relatively inexpensive, useful in describing characteristics of a large population, can be administered in many modes, and can solicit more valid and comprehensive answers from respondents. However, the proponents of the study must first determine what questions to ask, how to ask them, and who to ask.
    • Interview this type of survey is a more personal form of research compared to giving out questionnaires. The interviewer has the chance to interact directly with the respondents and can do some follow-up questions. From the interviewee's end, it's easier for them also to interact with the interviewer especially when the question seeks opinion or impression. However, this method can be time-consuming and resource-intensive and the interviewer has to be well-versed about the topic and well-trained especially when things need to have contingency responses.
    1. Questionnaire - this is a survey instrument used to collect data solicited from a set of oral or written questions given to respondents.
  • Designing a Questionnaire
    1. Determine the goal of the questionnaire
    2. Decide on your question design
    3. Validate your questionnaire
    4. Conduct the survey.
    • Dichotomous this question is answerable by yes or no, agree or disagree, or true or false. This is the quickest and simplest question to analyze but it's not a highly sensitive measure.
    1. Multiple Choice - this question allows easy analysis of results. It's composed of three or more mutually exclusive categories. The problem with this type of question is that the preference of the respondents is not in their choices.
    1. Ranking or ordinal-scale question - this type of question compels respondents to rank items or choose items in a particular order from a set. For instance, the respondents are tasked to order things from the least to the most important or vice versa.
    1. Likert scale - this type of questionnaire deals with scaling responses in survey research. This type of questioning allows the respondents to assess phenomena based on a given dimension.
    1. Filter or contingency question - this type of questionnaire determines the qualification or experience of the respondents to answer the subsequent questions.
    • Open-ended question this gives the respondent a chance to answer freely. No choices are given to limit his/her answer.