Cards (6)

    • Often sexist double standards when older people are presented in the media
    • The older a woman gets the less likely she is to get a leading role compared to older men who present TV programs
    • Older male actors allowed to be romantically linked with young women
  • Biggs
    Many representations of older people in entertainment shows however, they're often stereotyped as different, vague or forceful
  • Signorelli
    Studied prime TV programs, found both young and old were under represented
    • TV representation was focused to middle aged people
  • Featherstone and Hepworth
    Found magazines for older people tended to show an image of youthful looking older people and wearing youthful clothing
  • Newman
    Class influences representations of age
    • older upper class people often cast as characters with high school status and advanced careers
  • Wayne et al
    Looked at representations of young people on the news
    • young people often presented as a threat to society, have few opportunities to express their views > can't influence the way they're presented
    • due to how young people are represented, many problems are ignored (mental health, finances)
    • lack of sympathy for young people makes issues worse > government and society don't think think they're important enough to address