Asch - Conforming

Subdecks (1)

Cards (16)

  • Asch (1951/55) Baseline study - an experiment to find out to what extent people would conform to others
  • Asch - Procedure
    123 male undergraduates
    18 trials - lab study
    Showed participants two large white cards at a time
    One card was a 'standard line' and the other card had three comparison lines
    One of the three lines was the same length as the standard and the other two were all substantially different
    The participant was asked which of the three lines matched up to the standard
    Each naïve participant was tested individually with a group between 6-8 confederates
    The naïve participant was not aware that the others were confederates
  • Variations - Group Size
    With three confederates, conformity rate to the wrong answer rose to 31.8%
    Further numbers had little affect on
    A small majority is not sufficient for influence to be exerted
  • Variations - Unanimity
    Asch introduced a confederate who disagreed with the others
    Either giving another wrong answer or the right one
    This resulted in conformity rates reducing to 25%
    The presence of a dissenter allowed the naïve participant to act more independently
    For conformity rates to be higher, the majority needs to be unanimous
  • Variation - Task difficulty
    Asch made the standard line similar in length to the comparison lines
    Conformity increased due to this
    ISI plats a significant role
  • Asch - Findings
    During the first few trials - all confederates gave the correct answer but then started making errors
    All confederates were instructed to give the same wrong answer
    Out of 12 trials, 8 were named 'critical trials' where the confederate gave the wrong answer
    The naïve participants gave the wrong answer 36.8% of the time
    25% of participants did not conform on any trials, 75% conformed at least once
    After the trial, the participants were interviewed and said they conformed to avoid rejection