The time period of research (Asch, Milgram, Zimbardo) came soon after the world wars
The authoritarian personality was a type of personality argued to be susceptible to obedience and were highly submissive
This was found after concern with obedience in nazi Germany
Theodore Adorno and his colleagues believed obedience to be a psychological disorder, based on personality (disposition) rather than situation factors
Adorno believed that the authoritarian personality stemmed from an overly harsh childhood ("I'll love you if...")
This could cause resentment and hostility - scared to confront their parents and displaced their anger elsewhere
Imprinted behaviour - Physical punishment at a young age could lead to them growing up to enforce these same rules - there is only right or wrong
The stunting of emotions (anger, sadness, sexuality) could lead to displacement of these emotions
No opportunity to voice opinions, so they grow up to project their own extreme opinions
Inhibition of instincts and restriction can lead to inability to act as an adult
Adorno and the F-scale study (1950) - Aim
To investigate the cause of the obedient personality
Adorno and the F-scale study (1950) - procedure
2000 white, middle-class americas used to test unconscious bias
Created a scale of response questionnaire (strongly agree - strongly disagree) to measure the authoritarian personality (potential for fascism scale "F-scale")
A unique cognitive style, no fuzziness between categories of people with distinct stereotypes
Questions such as "Sex crimes, such as rape and attacks on children, deserve more than imprisonment - such criminals should be publicly whipped or worse"
Adorno and the F-scale study (1950) - Findings
Those with high scores were the ones with the most authoritarian personality
Those that scored highly identified with 'strong' people and had general contempt for those of a lower / 'weaker' class
Excessive respect and servility to those of a higher class
There's a positive correlation between authoritarianism and prejudice
Those who scored highly had strict parents
Right wing authoritarian characteristics - conventional, aggression towards anyone that would violate these conventions, uncritical submission to authorities
Adorno and the F-scale study (1950) - Conclusion
Authoritarian personality may be more obedient to authority
Extreme respect to authority
Contempt for those perceived with a lower status
Highly controversial attitudes towards race, sex, and gender
The belief in strong leaders endorsing traditional values, such as family