Cards (8)

  • Limited explanation
    Only a questionnaire
    How did millions form the nazi party if obedience is dispositional?
    Its clear that there's other factors involved, such as social identity
  • Political bias
    Only measures the tendency towards an extreme right-wing ideology
    Left wing can be equally destructive
    Both seek obedience to legitimate authority - Chinese Maoism
    Is therefore not very comprehensive
  • Methodological problems
    Greenstein (1969) - "F-scale is a comedy of methodological errors"
    The wording encourages agreement
    Those deemed authoritarian are now those who are most willing to agree
  • Issues with correlation
    Correlation looks at the relationship between two variables
    • Authoritarianism + Obedience
    • Authoritarianism + prejudice
    • Harsh parenting + Obedience
    Correlation does not always equal causation
  • Elms and Milgram (1966) - Aim
    They researched into whether people with authoritarian personalities are more likely to obey an authoritative figure
  • Elms and Milgram (1966) - Procedure
    Found participants from Milgram's last experiment (2 months prior)
    20 'obedient' participants and 20 'defiant' participants (the ones that continued shocking and the ones that didn't)
    Took a personality test and an F-scale test
    Then asked open ended questions about things such as childhood, parents and their attitudes towards observer, teacher and participant in the prior experiment
  • Elms and Milgram (1966) - Findings
    Little difference between 'defiant' and 'obedient' on personality test
  • Elms and Milgram (1966) - Conclusion
    The link is merely a correlation, not a causation - meaning that authoritarian personalities and obedience are not dependent on each other