
Cards (4)

  • Research support for consistency
    Moscovici et al (1969) - consistency of a minority opinion was more of an influence than an inconsistent message
    Wood et al (1994) - Meta analysis of over 100 similar studies, and found that minorities who were seen as being consistent were the most influential
  • Research support for depth of thought
    Research shows that if there is a deeper understanding of/ thought processing involved, then there may be a conversion of opinions
    Martin et al (2003) - people are less willing to change opinions if they have listened to a minority, rather than if they shared their opinions with a majority
    This suggests that the minority messages are more deeply processed and can have more of an enduring effect
  • Weakness - Artificial tasks - coloured slides task
    Identifying a colour slide is an artificial taks
    this is far removed from how people in a minority group attempt to change opinions of the majority in real life
    Outcomes can be vastly more important (Eg jury / political campaigns)
  • Real world application
    Real life social influence situations are often much more complex than simply considering the minority / majority influence
    Majorities usually have a lot more power and status than minorities
    Minorities are often very committed to their cause - they have to be able to face hostile opposition