b6 - inheritance and variation

Cards (11)

  • what is a chromosome?
    long DNA molecule with part of the genetic material of an organism
  • where in the cell are chromosomes located?
    the nucleus
  • how many pairs of chromosomes are there in a typical human cell?
    23 pairs
  • what are sex chromosomes?
    the 23rd pair of chromosomes. they determine whether an individual is male or female
  • what is a gene
    a gene is a small section of DNA. each gene codes for a particular sequence of amino acids to make a specific protein
  • what is a ’genome’ of an organism?
    the genome of an organism is the entire genetic material of that organism
  • how could understanding the human genome help science?
    • it will allow scientists to search for genes linked to a different disease
    • it could help us understand and treat inherited disorders
    • it could also be used in tracing human migration patterns from the past
  • what is an allele?
    different versions of the same gene
  • how many alleles of each gene does an individual have?
  • what does it mean to be ‘homozygous’ for a particular gene?
    both alleles of that gene are identical
  • what does it mean to be ‘heterozygous’ for a particular gene?
    the two alleles of that gene are different