What are Genetics as a biological explanation of Bio explanations of SZ
Sz is hereditar, vulnerability increases with genetic similarity. Candidate genes are genes that increase likelihood of SZ, polygenic so its multiple genes and aeteologically heterogeneous so different combinations increase likelihood. Ripke Found 108 genetic combinations that increase risk
Strength of genetics as a bio explanation of SZ
Adoption studies: adopted child is genetically related but diff environment, found if mother has SZ child had 6.7% chance of development but if mother no SZ child is 2% at risk > shows there is generic component and allows for environmental factor to be ignored
Weakness of genetics as a biological explanation of SZ
Methodological limitations of twin studies > concordance rates not 100% so SZ is not fully genetic cause, identical twins have similar environments
Dopamine hypothesis as a biological explanation for SZ
Neurotransmitter involved in reward, SZ patients have different levels of dopamin. hyperdopaminergia is too much dopamine, in brocas area can lead to Speech poverty. Hypodopaminergia is too little dopamine, in prefrontal cortex can lead to avolition
Weakness of dopamine hypothesis as a biological explanation of SZ
Alternative explanation> other neurotransmitters involved such as glutamate, new antipsychotics now regulate glutamine and dopamine and have increased effectiveness
strength of dopamine hypothesis as a biological explanation of SZ
Research support: dopamine agonists (amphetamines) increase activity and hallucinations in non SZ people, dopamine antagonists (anti psychotics) decrease activity to treat patients
Neural correlates as a bio explanation for SZ
Links between structure + activity in brain with SZ symptoms, superior temporal gyrus has role in language processing > low activity here meant auditory hallucinations. Ventral striatum has role in anticipation of reward > low activity here meant avolition
Weakness of neural correlates as a biological explanation of SZ
Correlationcausationissue > unclear if lowactivity causes symptoms or symptoms cause lowactivity, could be another variable causing correlation