Cards (16)

  • Fields of Civil Engineering
    • Structural engineering
    • Transportation engineering
    • Geotechnical engineering
    • Environmental engineering
    • Water resources engineering
    • Construction engineering
  • Structural Engineering
    • Encompasses the structural analysis and design of structures
    • Structural engineers analyze and design a structure that will safely bear or resist stresses, forces, and loads
    • The designed structure must endure massive loads as well as natural disasters and climate changes
  • Specialties of Structural Engineering
    • Earthquake engineering – the behavior of structures subject to seismic loading
    • Wind engineering – the analysis of wind and its effects on the built environment
    • Architectural engineering – application of engineering principles to building design and construction
    • Ocean engineering – the design of offshore structures
  • Transportation Engineering
    • planning, analysis, design, operation, and mangement of transportation systems
    • Provide for the movement of people and goods from one place to another in a safe and efficient manner.
    • Design of highway, urban transit, air, rail and water
  • Specialties of Transportation Engineering
    • Traffic engineering – focuses on the infrastructure necessary for transportation
    • Highway engineering – deals with major roadways and transportation systems involving automobiles
    • Railway systems engineering – design, construction and operation of all types of rail transport systems
  • Geotechnical Engineering
    • Study of the behavior of the earth’s materials (soil and rock) and how they will affect the structure that is to be constructed
    • Evaluation of pre-existing structures that are showing signs of problems with the earth materials under or near the structure
    • deep foundations, landslide, underground infrastructure, and scour and erosion
  • Environmental Engineering
    • Application of science and engineering principles:
    • To improve the natural environment (air, water, and land resources)
    • To provide healthy water, air, and land for human habitation
    • To remediate polluted sites
  • Specialties of Environmental Engineering
    • Sanitary engineering - application of engineering methods to improve sanitation of human communities
    • Wastewater engineering - Concerned with wastewater treatment and water reclamation
    • Ecological engineering - design of ecosystems for the mutual benefit of humans and nature
    • Fire protection engineering - the application of engineering to protect people and environments from fire and smoke
  • Water Resources Engineering
    • Deals with the design and construction of hydraulic structures
    • These structures include dams, canals and water distribution system
  • Specialties of Water Resources Engineering
    Hydraulic engineering
    • concerned with the flow and conveyance of fluids, principally water
    • the design of pipelines, water supply network, drainage facilities, and canals.
  • Specialties of Water Resources Engineering
    Coastal engineering
    • study of the processes ongoing at the shoreline and construction within the coastal zone, often directed at combating erosion of coasts or providing navigational access.
  • Specialties of Water Resources Engineering
    River Engineering
    • process of planned human intervention in the course, characteristics, or flow of a river
    • to manage the water resources, to protect against flooding, or to make passage along or across rivers easier
  • Specialties of Water Resources Engineering
    Groundwater engineering
    • analysis, monitoring and modeling of groundwater source
    • to better understand how much remains and if the water can be used for recharging reservoirs and irrigation
  • Specialties of Water Resources Engineering
    • hydraulic engineering
    • river engineering
    • coastal engineering
    • groundwater engineering
  • construction engineering
    • deals with the planning, construction and maintenance of structures
  • construction engineers
    • ensure that the plans that have been designed by other engineers are implemented to their exact specifications
    • will supervise field work during the entire project
    • will oversee the project from start to finish and handle any problems that come up throughout the duration of the project