
Subdecks (4)

Cards (124)

  • Charge
    A property of matter that causes it to experience an electrical force when it has been placed in an electric field
  • Current
    The rate of flow of charge
  • Current is measured in amps, charge is measured in coulombs, and time is measured in seconds
  • Charge is quantized, meaning it comes in tiny indivisible individual quantities
  • Elementary charge
    The smallest unit of charge, approximately 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs
  • Electron charge is -1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs, proton charge is +1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs
  • In conductors, the charge carriers are free electrons, in electrolytes the charge carriers are positive and negative ions
  • Conventional current is defined as flowing from positive to negative, even though electron flow is from negative to positive
  • Kirchhoff's first law
    The sum of the currents entering a junction equals the sum of the currents exiting a junction
  • Kirchhoff's first law is a statement of conservation of charge
  • Number density
    The amount of charge carriers per unit volume
  • Drift velocity
    The average displacement per unit time of charge carriers along a conductor
  • Conductors have a high number density of charge carriers, insulators have a low number density, semiconductors have an intermediate number density
  • Test test