Cards (57)

  • What are the three main perspectives on the authority of the Bible?
    • Conservative
    • Neo-Orthodox
    • Liberal
  • What do Evangelical Protestants believe about Scripture?
    It is the literal Word of God.
  • How do Catholics view Sacred Scripture?
    As the word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit.
  • What does Catholicism guarantee about Scripture?
    It guarantees the truth of all literary forms.
  • What is Karl Barth's Neo-Orthodox view of the Bible?
    It is a human work that becomes inspired.
  • How do Liberal views differ regarding the Bible?
    They range from partial inspiration to fully human document.
  • What does Rudolf Bultmann argue about the Bible?
    It needs to be de-mythologised and aligned with science.
  • What is the focus of the Social Gospel Movement?
    Social action over doctrinal issues.
  • What do Process theologians believe about God?
    God is not the Creator or omnipotent.
  • What do Evangelicals believe about the Bible's nature?
    The Bible is God-breathed.
  • How do Roman Catholics view the writing of the Bible?
    The Holy Spirit instructed the apostles to write.
  • What is the Liberal view of the Bible's inspiration?
    The Bible inspires when it comes alive in hearts.
  • What do Liberals believe about the Bible's errors?
    The Bible contains human errors.
  • How do Liberals interpret the Bible's authority?
    The Bible cannot be read literally.
  • What did Jesus say about building his church?
    He spoke to Peter about the rock.
  • How do Roman Catholics interpret Jesus' reference to the rock?
    Peter is seen as the first Pope.
  • What is the Catholic view on the authority of the Bible and the Church?
    They have equal authority linked by the Holy Spirit.
  • What does Apostolic Succession mean in Catholicism?
    The Church has authority to interpret Scripture.
  • What is Luther's doctrine of Sola Scriptura?
    Authority is focused solely on Scripture.
  • What is the role of the Church in Protestantism?
    It must be biblical and subservient to Scripture.
  • What is the priesthood of believers in Protestantism?
    All believers are equal before God.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Conservative arguments about the Bible?
    • Bible is the Word of God
    • The Bible is inerrant
    • Remains faithful to tradition

    • Contradictions in God's nature
    • Humans make errors
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Neo-Orthodox arguments about the Bible?
    • Accepts human errors
    • Faithful to core message of Jesus
    • Supports Christians' closeness to God

    • Questions about divine inspiration
    • Potential for selective interpretation
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Liberal arguments about the Bible?
    • Accepts human limitations
    • Emphasis on social gospel
    • Process theology's view of God

    • Core divinity of the Bible
    • Jesus' message includes personal salvation
    • Challenges traditional Church thinking
  • What is the significance of faith in interpreting religious beliefs?
    It shapes the attitude of belief in Jesus.
  • What do Christians believe about Jesus' divinity?
    Jesus is divine and human.
  • What do Christians believe about Jesus' birth?
    He was born of the Virgin Mary.
  • What happened at Jesus' baptism?
    He heard God's voice declaring him as Son.
  • What do Christians believe about Jesus' miracles?
    They affirm his divine power through miracles.
  • What is the significance of Jesus' crucifixion?
    He was crucified for humanity's sins.
  • What do Christians believe about Jesus' resurrection?
    He was resurrected from the dead.
  • What is Jesus' relationship to the Trinity?
    He is part of the Trinity.
  • What is Adoptionism?
    Jesus was human and later adopted by God.
  • What is Arianism?
    Jesus was declared not divine by Bishop Arius.
  • How do liberal Christians view Jesus' resurrection?
    As a metaphor for accepting Jesus brings new life.
  • What do commentators say about Jesus as the Son of God?
    He has an intimate relationship with God.
  • What does the term 'Son of Man' imply about Jesus?
    He identifies with human hardships.
  • What are the two interpretations of Jesus' teaching on retaliation?
    Conservative view:
    • Christians should not retaliate.
    • Must love their enemies.

    Liberal view:
    • Interpret in context of Roman occupation.
    • May reject pacifism and love of enemies.
  • How do views on Jesus' authority affect his role as a model?
    • If divine, harder to emulate.
    • If human, more relevant as a role model.
    • Importance of attempting to be like Jesus remains.
  • What is the Sermon on the Mount about?
    It discusses retaliation and love for enemies.