particle physics

Cards (50)

  • What experiment disproved the Plum Pudding Model?
    Rutherford's alpha scattering experiment
  • What did Rutherford's alpha scattering experiment demonstrate about atoms?
    Most of the atom is empty space
  • What does the deflection of alpha particles in Rutherford's experiment indicate?
    Existence of a small, positive nucleus
  • What is the nuclear model of the atom composed of?
    A nucleus with protons and neutrons
  • How is the closest approach of a scattered particle to a nucleus calculated?
    It depends on the particle's initial kinetic energy
  • What happens to the kinetic energy of a particle as it approaches a nucleus?
    It converts into electrical potential energy
  • What is the relationship between kinetic energy and the distance a particle can approach a nucleus?
    More kinetic energy allows closer approach
  • What are hadrons made of?
  • What is the strong interaction?
    A force that affects hadrons
  • What are leptons?
    Fundamental particles with almost no mass
  • How do antiparticles compare to their matter counterparts?
    Same mass but opposite charge
  • What is the antiparticle of a proton?
  • What is pair production?
    Creation of matter from energy
  • What occurs during annihilation?
    A particle and antiparticle fuse to produce energy
  • What do cloud chambers observe?
    Pair production and annihilation
  • What are quarks?
    Fundamental particles not made of smaller particles
  • What are the two types of quarks mentioned?
    Up and down quarks
  • What is the charge of an up quark?
  • How is the charge of a neutron calculated using quarks?
    Sum of quark charges equals 0
  • What is the mass of an alpha particle?
  • What is the purpose of particle accelerators?
    To accelerate charged particles
  • What is the formula for kinetic energy in particle accelerators?
    KE=KE =12mv2 \frac{1}{2}mv^2
  • How do linear particle accelerators work?
    Charged plates reverse charges to accelerate particles
  • What is the limitation of circular accelerators?
    Particles cannot exceed the speed of light
  • What does Einstein's equation relate to?
    Energy and mass equivalence
  • How are electrons arranged in an atom?
    In discrete energy levels
  • What evidence supports the arrangement of electrons in energy levels?
    Line spectra show missing wavelengths
  • What is the effect of cool gas on light passing through it?
    Absorbs certain wavelengths
  • What do fluorescent tubes utilize to emit light?
    UV photons released by mercury atoms
  • What does the wave model of the atom explain?
    Electron shells as standing waves
  • What causes atoms to be unstable?
    Too many or too few neutrons
  • What is the definition of radioactive atoms?
    Atoms that release radiation to become stable
  • What is the mass of an alpha particle?
  • What is the charge of beta minus radiation?
  • What is the range of beta plus radiation?
    Negligible due to annihilation
  • What is the intensity of gamma radiation affected by?
    Inverse square law with distance
  • How is risk described in terms of radiation?
    Consequence and likelihood
  • What is absorbed dose?
    Radiation absorbed per kg of tissue
  • What does effective dose measure?
    Tissue damage caused by radiation
  • What is the mass defect in a nucleus?
    Mass less than sum of protons and neutrons