Visual and verbal guidance are types of guidance that help the learning of motor skills. Using a practical example, for each describe to other types of guidance.
Manual/physical guidance – a coach holes, the legs of a gymnast during a handstand to prevent overbalancing
Mechanical guidance – a cyclist uses stabilisers on the bicycle to make it more stable
How can feedback affect performance?
Motivates, allows for reflection/change and reinforces learning
Using practical examples, give one advantage and one disadvantage of using visual guidance in the learning of motor skills in sport
Demonstrating a badminton shot, easy to remember and can be quick/effective, but demonstrations could be incorrect, hard to get a feel and cognitive overload
What are the six types of feedback?
knowledge of performance knowledge of results, extrinsic, intrinsic, positive, negative
Give one advantage and one disadvantage of using verbal guidance in the learning of motor skills in sport
Can be given quickly, needs to be clear, but might give incorrect information = confusion
Can be given during performance to motivate, but the performer cannot form a mental picture
Explain what is meant by intrinsic feedback?
Intrinsic – feedback, the performer receives from within when executing a skill or performance. A swimmer diving off the blocks feels their legs are straight.
Describe one different sport situations when positive feedback can improve performance
A rugby coach gives a player, praise/encouragement leads to better tackling technique
A netball coach tells the goal attack that they’re shooting is excellent, and this leads to more consistent shooting accuracy
Why are mental preparation techniques used?
It helps control emotions, anxiety, manage stress, and improve participation and performance
Describe positive feedback when learning motor skills in sport
Giving information that involves praise/reward
What is anxiety?
A feeling of worry or fear
Using a practical example, from sport, describe knowledge of results
Information about the end, product/outcome of a competition. Knows the final score of the game game. E.G, the coach tells a sprinter her time for completing the 100m race
What are the four types of mental preparation?
PIMS – positive thinking, imagery, mental rehearsal and selective attention
Describe negative and extrinsic feedback and give a practical example for each
Information about an unsuccessful outcome – criticism, your coach tells you off for losing the tennis match
What is meant by selective attention when an athlete prepares for a competitive performance?
Focusing on the important information and blocking out distractions or irrelevant information. This gets the athlete in the zone and filter the information.
Using practical examples from sport, describe knowledge of performance as types of feedback
Information on technique/how well the movement/skill has been executed. E.G the table tennis coach, telling her player that her forehand technique lacks adequate top spin.
Why do athletes use mental preparation techniques?
To focus on improving motivation, controlling anxiety, concentration, controls arousal and get you in the zone
Explain what is meant by extrinsic feedback
Extrinsic – feedback received from others through vision and hearing – often from a coach/teammate. Hockey player sees the ball go into the net.
What is meant by positive thinking when an athlete prepares for a competitive performance?
Thinking/being confident about doing well/winning
Shutting out negative thoughts
Remembering good preparation done
Describe how imagery can help a sports performer, mentally prepare for an effective performance
Improve of concentration by blocking out distractions