Examples of receptors include glucose sensing cells, skin temperature cells and skin pressure cells.
Examples of effectors include insulin producing cells, muscle cells, hair cells and gland cells.
Gland cells produce hormones and enzymes.
The central nervous system is made up of the brain and spinal chord.
A) cell body
B) dendrite
C) nerveending
D) myelin
E) axon
F) nucelus
Dendrites communicate with other neurons.
The axon is the main wire of the neuron.
The synaptic terminal is where neurons communicate with one another.
Label this sensory neuron.
A) direction of impulse
B) synaptic terminal
C) axon
D) myelin sheath
E) dendrite
F) nucleus
G) cell body
H) dendrites
The myelin sheath insulates the gain or loss of voltage and signals.
A reflex arc is NOT voluntary.
Reflex arcs do not send electrical impulses to the brain.
When you experience a strong stimulus, an electricalimpulse is sent from the sensory neurone to the spine, then to a relay neuron, then to a motor neuron, and then to the effector [muscle or gland] which will trigger a response.
An electrical impulse arrives at the pre-synaptic neuron. Neurotransmitter chemicals are released. This diffuses across the synaptic cleft, and then binds to the receptors on the post-synaptic neuron membrane. This triggers an electricalimpulse in the post-synaptic neuron.
Synapses decrease the speed of transmission, so reflex arcs contain as little of them as possible.