working memory model

Subdecks (1)

Cards (27)

  • Who developed the working memory model?

    Baddeley & Hitch (1974)
  • How does the working memory model differ from the multi-store model?
    Believed the multi-store model was too simplistic - ltm/stm is not just one store
  • What are the components of the working memory model?
    • Central Executive
    • Phonological loop
    Articulatory control system
    Phonological store
    • Episodic buffer
    • Visuospatial sketch pad
  • Outline the main purpose of the central executive
    • Determines how resources/sensory experience are allocated to slave systems
    • Makes decisions about what deserves attention/to be ignored
    • Involves reasoning + decision-making
  • What is the capacity of the central executive?
    Limited/very small
  • What is the capacity of the phonological loop?
    2 seconds worth of words
  • What is the capacity of the visuospatial sketchpad?
    3-4 objects
  • What is the capacity of the episodic buffer?
    4-5 chunks
  • How is the central executive coded?
    Modality specific - not limited to ones sense as needs to manipulate all manner of info
  • How is the visuospatial sketchpad coded?
  • How is the phonological loop coded?
  • How is the episodic buffer coded?
    Modality specific - not limited to ones sense as needs to manipulate all manner of info
  • Outline the main purpose of the episodic buffer
    • A general store added in 2000 as an 'overflow' system for the central executive as it has very small capacity
    • Integrates all info in all slave systems and links them
    • Buffer storage system
  • Outline the main purpose of the visuospatial sketch pad
    • Visual and/or spatial info
    Visual = what you see
    Spatial = relationships between things
    • Logie: subdivision = visuo-cache store + inner scribe for spatial relations
  • Outline the main purpose of the phonological loop
    • Auditory info + preserves word order - inner ear
    Articulatory system = holds words heard/seen + silently repeated like inner force as a form of maintenance rehearsal
    Phonological store = holds words stored
  • What are the two components of the phonological loop?
    • Articulatory control system
    • Phonological store
  • What is a slave system?
    Short-term memory storage systems that are dedicated to interpreting specific info
    • Visuospatial sketch pad / Episodic buffer/ Phonological loop
    Different types of slave systems can be used at same time but the same one cannot be used simultaneously