Main function of PG was to rule Russia until elections could be held for a Constituent Assembly
wanted to wait until a universal, secret and direct ballot existed
for the PG, it was a way to facilitate democratic development
for socialists, it was a means of carrying out radical revolution
for nationalists, it was a means of asserting autonomy
In provinces, commissions appointed by PG had no real power over the reformed city council or local soviet
Dual Authority:
Real power was w Soviet, they had power over soldiers and weapons
PG had formal authority but little power, and Soviet had real power but no formal responsibility
Difficult for PG to make real changes, everything they wanted to implement had to be supported by soviet
Key issues of March 1917:
War - peace with national shame or keep fighting in a defensive war or gain territory?
Land - how to redistribute
National minorities
Social reform for workers
Liberal Policies:
Committed to continuing the war w/ Allies. After war, wanted Western help for their democracy and wanted to remain an international power. Milyukov (War Minister) wanted territorial gains.
Wanted the problem of land to be left to the CA
Did not want to break up the old empire
Wanted to delay elections for CA until after the war, when a settled atmosphere would improve their chances to win
Socialist policies:
Prepared to co-operate with PG while acting as a watchdog for the public's interests
Defensive war only, no territory gains
Wanted to leave land issue to CA
Wanted to offer more self-government and local control to nationalities, esp Ukraine
SRs and Mensheviks split over war
Conservative SRs favoured a continuation of defensive war, and Left SRs wanted to end it
Mensheviks supported war
2nd Coalition govt: May - July 1917
Tsereteli - Minister of Post and Telegraph (Mensh)
Chernov - Minister of Agriculture (leader of SRs)
Tereschenko - Foreign minister (Kadet supporter)
2nd coalition govt put pressure on moderate socialists:
had to solve a wide range of problems, faced a dilemma
in conflict in terms of policy with non-socialist coalition
if they pushed their own policies it would alienate their coalition and cause division, if they didn't it would alienate their supporters
Fear of civil war led them to be moderate and compromise