The Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum

Cards (7)

  • The Tannenbaum and Schmidt continuum is a simple model of leadership that shows the relationship between the level of freedom in relation to decision making that a manager chooses to give a team of workers and the level of authority retained by the manager
  • As the teams freedom increases, so the managers authority decreases
  • Tannenbaum and Schmidt identified seven varying levels of control by the manager and freedom for the team (known as delegated freedom)
  • At one extreme, the manager orientated position illustrates a democratic / laissez-faire style
  • The model highlights that there are a range of styles rather than categorising management and leadership simply in terms of either authoritarian and democratic, it shows that there is a continuum
  • The approach that the manager will adopt will vary and depend upon:
    • the forces in the manager (personality and characteristics, experience, attitude towards and trust in subordinates)
    • the forces in the subordinates (personality and characteristics, experience, attitude towards and trust in leader)
    • the forces in the situation (nature of the problem / situation, resource constraints including time, culture of the organisation)
  • Influences on the leadership style selected
    • company structure
    • particular situation
    • organisations cultures and traditions
    • nature of the tasks involved
    • nature of the employees
    • group size
    • personality and skills of the leader
    • time frame