Elements of Organizational Structure

Cards (25)

  • List the 6 elements of organizational structure
    Work Specialization
    Chain of Command
    Span of Control
    Centralization and Decentralization
  • What is work specialization?
    The degree to which work activities are divided into separate tasks (division of labor).
  • Disadvantages of work specialization
    Tasks become redundant, resulting in boredom, fatigue, stress and decreased performance.
  • Define departmentalization
    The process of grouping similar jobs into departments
  • List the 5 ways of departmentalization
  • Define chain of command
    The line of authority that extends from the lower to upper levels of the organization.
    Dictates who reports to who
  • List the 3 elements of the chain of command

    Unity of Command
  • Define the span of control
    The number of employees reporting to one manager
  • Span on control and either be...
    Wide or Narrow
  • Wide Span of Control
    flatter structure, fewer hierarchical levels
    tend to lead to more efficiency, fewer managers needed
  • Narrow Span on Control?
    taller structure, more hierarchical levels
    larger organizations
  • Define centralization
    decision-making authority is located at the top levels of the organization
    top managers make decisions with little or no input from lower levels
  • Define decentralization
    decision-making authority is spread down to lower levels
    input from lower-level employees is encouraged
  • Define functional departmentalization

    jobs are grouped by function (e.g. marketing, account, HR etc.)
  • Define product departmentalization
    jobs are grouped by product line
    e.g. in companies that have multiple product lines
  • Define geographical departmentalization
    jobs are grouped by geographical region
    e.g. companies may have different departments located in different geographical areas
  • Define process departmentalization
    jobs are grouped by product or customer flow
    e.g. customers may have to through different departments before receiving the final product or service
  • Define customer departmentalization.
    jobs are grouped by specific customer needs
    e.g. Banks have tellers, personal or commercial loan officers, etc.
  • Define unity of command
    An employee should report to ONLY 1 manager at a time
  • Define authority

    the formal right of a manager to make decisions, issue order and allocate resources
  • Define responsibility

    The obligation or duty of employees to perform assigned roles or task
  • Define formalization
    The extent to which jobs are standardized
    the degree to which employees are guided by rules and procedures
  • More standardized jobs=
    more guidelines and regulation
  • Define mechanistic structure
    strict work specialization
    high formalization
    narrow span of control
    high centralization
    limited information network
  • Define organic structure
    flexible work specialization
    low formalization
    wide span of control
    free flow of information