LONG WRITTEN EXAM REVIEW ( mo gawas unta ni huhuhu)

Cards (48)

  • 12th thoracic nerve lower six thoracic nervesiliohypograstric nerveilioinguinal nerve
    Nerve supply of the rectus abdominis
  • right ventricle
    The right border of the heart is formed mainly by the
  • costal cartilages
    The thoracic wall is bounded inferiorly by the:
  • Scarpa's fascia
    the deep membranous layer of the superficial fascia of the abdomen
  • phrenic nerve
    The nerve supply of the diaphragm:
  • flexion
    This is a movement that takes place in a sagittal plane
  • T12
    The aortic opening of the diaphragm lies anterior to the body of the:
  • contralateral
    refers to opposite sides of the body; for example,
  • pyloric canal
    The circular muscle coat of the stomach is much thick and forms the:
  • T10
    The esophageal opening of the diaphragm lies at the:
  • cardiac tamponade
    Pericardial fluid may accumulate excessively, which can com- press the thin-walled atria and interfere with the filling of the heart during diastole.This compression of the heart:
  • 12th thoracic nerve, iliohypogastric nerve, ilioinguinal nerve, lower six thoracic nerves
    Nerve supply of the pyramidalis muscle:
  • posterior cecal artery
    The artery that supplies the appendix is a branch of:
  • C7
    vertebra prominence:
  • paronychia
    Infection occurring between the nail and the nail fold is called:
  • anterior
    Relation of the first part of duodenum to the head of the pancreas
  • origin
    The attachment that moves the least is referred to as the:
  • mesoappendix
    The mesentery of the appendix is called:
  • anterior interventricular (descending) branch

    It runs downward in the anterior interventricular groove to the apex of the heart
  • tunica albuginea
    Each testis is surrounded by a tough fibrous capsule called:
  • lower ribs

    Insertion of the diaphragm
  • superior pancreatic duodenal artery
    The artery that supplies the upper half of the duodenum is a a direct branch of the:
  • commotio cordis
    This condition results in ventricular fibrillation and sudden death and is caused by a blunt nonpenetrating blow to the anterior chest wall over the heart.It occurs most commonly in the young and adolescents and is often sports-related.
  • Lymphatic tissue
    A type of connective tissue that contains large numbers of lymphocytes.
  • gubernaculum
    A band of mesenchyme, extending from the lower pole of the developing gonad through the inguinal canal to the labioscrotal swelling, has condensed to form the:
  • medial
    The appendix arises from the cecum on which side?
  • xiphoid process; lower six costal cartilages, first three lumbar vertebrae
    Origin of the diaphragm
  • attachments
    Sternocleidomastoid muscle derived its name from its:
  • paramedian
    Planes situated to one or the other side of the median plane and parallel to it are termed:
  • portal vein
    Majority of blood to the liver is conveyed by the:
  • Psoas
    Responsible for flexing thigh on trunk; if thigh is fixed, it flexes trunk on thigh, as in sitting up from lying position:
  • mitral valve
    This is best heard over the apex beat, that is, at the level of the fifth left intercostal space, 3.5 in. (9 cm) from the midline
  • vas deferens
    It is a cordlike structure that can be palpated between finger and thumb in the upper part of the scrotum.It is a thick-walled muscular duct that transports spermatozoa from the epididymis to the urethra.
  • muscle of inspiration
    On contraction, the diaphragm pulls its central tendon down and increases the vertical diameter of the thorax.
  • superior mesenteric nodes
    The lymph vessels of the jejunum and ileum pass through many intermediate mesenteric nodes and finally reach the
  • tunica vaginalis
    This lies within the spermatic fasciae and covers the anterior, medial, and lateral surfaces of each testis.
  • nail beds
    Sweat glands are long, spiral, tubular glands distributed over the surface of the body, EXCEPT:armpitear lobegroinnail beds
  • lower six thoracic nerves
    nerve supply of the external oblique muscle
  • Which of the following covering if the spermatic cord is derived from the internal oblique muscle? tunica vaginal cremasteric fascia external spermatic fascia internal spermatic fascia
  • thymus
    This is seen in the superior mediastinum but not in the inferior mediastinum: thymus trachea symphathetic trunk esophagus